Let Me Be Your Superhero

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December 3rd, 2009, Atlanta, Georgia

Song: Let Me Be Your Superhero; Smash into Pieces

Let me be your superhero

Let me be the one to hold you

Let me be your superhero

Your dynamite

Let me be the one to hold you

To do you right

Damon's POV

I wake early the next morning, with Imogen wrapped in my arms as normal. I try to remember the last time we spent a night apart, and I realise that we haven't since the night I told her everything, when she asked me to stay overnight at her house after dinner. I sigh in content. This is my happy place.

I had truly thought I was in love with Katherine in 1864, and I spent 144 years just existing, waiting to get her back. Ever since Imogen came into my life I've realised that what I felt for Katherine wasn't really love, it was just infatuation. If I was to ever see her again I think I would probably stake her for destroying the bond between my brother and I.

I had always wanted a family when I was human. It's one of the main reasons for my biggest secret; I miss being human. Or at least I did. I've realised over the last couple of months of really getting to know Imogen and Scarlett, of spending time together as a family, that I have everything I ever wanted. I have a beautiful woman who I love with everything I have, and who loves me back, every part of me. I have a gorgeous daughter who I love and adore, and after reading the book Bree gave us and knowing we can have more children, even if Imogen becomes a Vampire, I truly think life is just about perfect. As a Vampire I can protect them both far better than I could as a human.

Despite missing being human, I do like being a Vampire, and with Scarlett being part Vampire and Imogen happy to turn it's not as lonely anymore, knowing that neither of them are going to grow old and die. Perhaps the last 145 years wouldn't have been so lonely if I hadn't made it my life's work to make Stefan's existence a misery, but I did make him a promise and I am a man of my word.

I turn my mind to the other revelation from yesterday; Imogen is a witch. And not just any witch, a Jacobs witch. I've heard of them, and know that they are a very powerful bloodline, stronger even than the Bennett witches. I don't know much more than that though. Hopefully Bree and the grimoires will provide more answers.

I think back to how I was able to compel her, then realise that she didn't know she was a witch so her powers were dormant, which is why I was able to.

I check the time and realise it's still early. I can hear Scarlett's breathing and heartbeat and know she's still in a deep sleep so I pull Imogen a little closer and bury my nose in the crook of her neck, breathing in her scent and drift back to sleep.


We wake up a couple of hours later to Scarlett shouting from her crib.

"Nooo" I mumble as Imogen tries to get out of my embrace. She chuckles at me.

"I need to get her before she wakes the entire hotel up." I sigh and let her get up. She changes Scarlett's diaper and brings her into bed with us. I take the opportunity to wrap them both in my arms and sigh in content.

Scarlett is babbling at us and we both smile at her. It doesn't take long for her to get grumpy because she's hungry so Imogen adjusts her top and starts to feed her. After only a couple of minutes she cries out in pain.

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