The Peacekeepers - Anakin x Reader (Fluff)

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  I stared at the test, my eyes brimming with tears that were in-between the emotion of joy and terror. The two lines, the ones I'd been hoping to see, but at the same time seeing them was like being in a fever dream. The two blue lines of pregnancy. The ones Anakin and I had been hoping to see for weeks - and the same ones we would have a heart attack telling Obi-Wan about.

"Negative again? There's no need to cry we'll get it one day Angel," Anakin soothed from the doorway, staying his distance till I genuinely burst out in tears. He knew I was upset, but he was too tired to want to move from his stuck place.

I'd woke up at 2AM, the only thing on my mind was the need to vomit. Anakin woke up shortly after, holding my hair back and helping me clean up before leaving me alone with the extra pregnancy test I'd pulled out of the sink's under-cupboard.

Once he heard me step out of the bathroom, he greeted me with a bagel to munch on as we waited. Stepping back into the bathroom to look at the results, he stayed back, expecting the usual. The one line. The single blue line that made me break down in Anakin's arms.

But it wasn't that cruel blue line. It was the two lines, parallel to each other. I smiled widely, looking up at my sleepy husband. His eyes went wide, the blue filling with the joy of our upcoming youngling. The Jedi ran over to me, picking me up by my waist and slowly spinning me around as to not make my feet hit any walls.

"We're gonna be parents, Angel! We're gonna have our own little padawan!" he exclaimed, putting me down and holding my shoulders tightly, staring into my eyes with tears brimming them. "We're gonna be parents," he sniffled.

I held his face in my hands, my touch making him melt as he closed his eyes in peace. "Yes we are Ani.. yes we are," my forehead rested against his in the most romantic and blissful manner ever, causing my lips to perk up in a smile.

It was a dream come true, the same one we'd been working on for months. It was finally true, our dream finally became a reality. And we would have a family filled with the strongest Jedi that the Republic had to offer. The best peacekeepers that Coruscant could give.


A knock played at the door to me and Anakin's large apartment. I already knew who was waiting though. The sassiest Jedi in the universe, and my brother, Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Me and Anakin had invited him over. Why you may ask? Well, Obi-Wan didn't know about the pregnancy - kriff, he didn't even know that me and Anakin were married. Though, to be fair, nobody knew and nobody was supposed to know. But he had to, he had to know that Anakin wasn't the only Skywalker that served in the Jedi temple. And that there would soon be Skywalker younglings that wielded lightsabers in the future.

I opened it up with a large smile, immediately hugging my brother tightly. I felt his chest rumble under my head and he patted my back.

"What's going on? You're never this touchy," Obi-Wan pointed out as he pushed me away by my shoulders lightly. "And why were me and Anakin invited over exactly?"

I smiled and turned away, wanting my brother to be confused. I liked messing with him as he had messed with me when I was a youngling. I knew he had patience like no other, but it was still fun to try and mess with him.

I heard him groan, following me as I walked off and into my living room where Anakin sat on his holopad. He set it down once he noticed that we were walking into the room. I let Obi-Wan sit across from me and Anakin as I took my place next to my husband.

"I'm pregnant," I said suddenly, staring into the Jedi master's blue eyes. I heard him inhale sharply as his eyes shot to Anakin. I placed my hand over Anakin's and looked from Obi-Wan to him, then back to Obi-Wan. "and Anakin is the father."

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