My Queen - Leia (Smut)

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Summary: Being the Queen of Naboo would one day lead you to being a senator when your current had retired. In the apprentice legislature, you learned a lot along with meeting a lot of people. Leia was one that certainly caught your eye though. Did she even like women?

Warnings: Leia in the closet, fingering, Leia tops, gay!panic, I did not actually edit the smut part so I'm deeply sorry if some of this is trash.

A/n: Yes, this is still x fem!reader *bi-curious panic*. Also, this was a request so yah!! (I'm basing this off of the Leia book even though she was 16 in that one but shhhh, she's 18 now).


You were in your second term and there was a weight that had lifted itself off your chest while nearing the end of your rule. But that didn't mean it was over for you, no. The Naboo senator was also ending her position and expected a certain Queen of Naboo to run in her place after you had been done with your final term.

You started at 16, and now you were 18, attending the apprentice legislature for practice on the whole senator thing. If you had thought that being queen was stressful, being senator was about to be torture. But the sweet senator ruling over Naboo's votes had said you were the right person for the job, you were someone with enough confidence to run headfirst into being queen without having the proper training throughout childhood . It reminded her of an old inspiration - Queen Amidala. Soon after being Senator Amidala. She was a known name, one with high honor. She died the day the Empire was brought to life, and with her died liberty.

As you sat in the apprentice legislature, you were bored. Listening to the same imperials talk in the same dead voice, to say the least, wasn't exciting. They elected a bunch of high class teenagers to make decisions that affected bigger things that you would expect. Decisions like where mining facilities should be built, which system deserved the help they requested the most. You suspected the Empire didn't help much at all, because suffering was more than it had been when your parents were younger. They spoke little about the old stages of politics. And when they spoke, they mourned. There was a democracy, and there were respectful rulers - even if few were the opposite, it sounded like a better time to be alive, than being on the edge at all times. Living now, in the time of the Empire, is like living in a prison cell you have been trying to dig yourself through the wall of whilst trying not to get caught by guards. We all lived in a state of paranoia.

Bail Organa's daughter was almost like a bright light in this court room I hated the most, brightening every dark corner, every corrupt hold on us. Well, with the exception of her best friend, Amilyn Holdo, who literally shined bright all the time. With bright green hair and an even brighter dress, you would think she got bored of seeing all these intricate colors. But she always came around with the same many colors, the same eccentric clothing and hair styles.

You'd done a lot with Leia Organa during your training for politics. You were friends of course, meeting on the mountain excursion on her home world of Alderaan. She was enjoyable to be around with her pretty head screwed on tight and an attitude you admired. She called you Queen as a tease, knowing you hated the formality outside of you throne room even if you had to keep it up anyways. Through your whole time observing her though, you had managed to observe someone else in the meantime. Kier Domadi had a thing for her, that handsome boy that also was from Alderaan, and if you had said you didn't envy him, you would have lied. He had a rich family that wanted him in politics, though that was most of their cases, and of course he had a face to swoon over. At least, that what you really assumed when you had first met him.

She admired him though, you were sure about that. You'd see the looks passed between them, but you weren't close enough to her to ask about their relationship and if it went past just being partners in training. You felt like it would be invading her private life that you had completely nothing to do with if you asked such a question.

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