Council's Approval - Obi-Wan (Fluff)

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Warnings; heavy fluff all throughout, Mace Windu's kinda an asshole so I'm sorry for all you Windu lovers, that's all - mwah <3


I drug my feet into the Jedi Council Chambers, my head hung low. This is what Obi-Wan and I wanted though. We didn't want to be a secret anymore, and this is what we got from it. This was our punishment for loving. The sound of Mace Windu's voice over the commlink wasn't reassuring at all, it sent shivers down my spine.

I knew what they wanted to address me and Obi-Wan about when I saw his frown, the hurt on his face visible. They were gonna kick us out of the Jedi Order for sure. This is what we deserve for being human, being affectionate.

I made my way to stand next to Obi-Wan, waiting for Mace Windu's voice to speak up. Obi-Wan took my hand in his, rubbing circles to sooth my fast paced heart. Everything felt so fast, everything looked so blurry. Mace Windu looked upset, though he always looked upset whether he had good news or bad news.

"You know why you've been called here, both of you?" Mace Windu asked, looking between me and Obi-Wan. We both nodded our heads in shame - though we weren't ashamed of being in love. My grip tightened on my fiancé's big hands. "Then you'll answer when I ask you the question - what is your relationship towards each other?"

I showed Mace my diamond ring, "We're engaged." His head snapped over to look at Obi-Wan, a stern gleem in his brown eyes.

"When you proposed to her, did you acknowledge the fact that you were breaking Jedi Code?" Master Windu asked, crossing his arms and leaning back in his seat.

Obi-Wan took a deep breath, regaining the confidence that he had when he kissed me in front of everyone in the Jedi Archives. "Yes, I knew very well. But, she's been improving my performance on the battlefield and upping my morale. Though you may not except it, I'm in love with her and the Jedi Code won't keep me from expressing that. Kick us out of the Jedi Order if you must, that will only make our getting married easier," Obi-Wan said, flashing me a soft smile.

Before Mace could speak up again, Yoda took his turn to talk. "Right, Obi-Wan is. More victories on his missions, Obi-Wan has had. Has something to fight harder for, he does. Get married on Coruscant, they should."

Me and Obi-Wan's heads shot over to Yoda, our eyes wide. He had a smile on his face as he watched our jaws drop. Out of all people, Yoda supported us? It was something out of a dream, almost making it unbelievable. The green Jedi Master always was the one forbidding relationships.

"I agree with Master Yoda, I believe they both have benefited from this secret relationship. They will get married on Coruscant," my old Master, Plo Koon, said with his raspy voice. My heart melted right at that. "Ditto," Kit Fisto said, smiling. The rest of Council stated their approvals - except for Master Windu. The only thing we got out of him was a grumble of some incoherent statement. Obi-Wan and I made eye contact, our smiles lighting up the Council Chambers with glee.

"Take the next few days off and plan your wedding, you will," Yoda said, shooing us off to do whatever couples do. So, me and Obi-Wan decided that tomorrow we'd start our planning.


I laid on Obi-Wan's chest, listening to his beating heartbeat, paying attention to the way his chest would rise and fall. His rough hands rubbed at my back, soothing me into sleep.

"We did it, Obi," I said with a smile. "We found a way to be together."

Obi-Wan stuffed his face into my hair, planting small kisses on my head. I could feel him smiling after every affectionate gesture. "We already had a way, dear. We just found a better way."

I looked up at my future husband, my eyes sparkling for him. "I love you. Being with you is a dream come true." Obi-Wan looked down at me with crystal-like eyes. "And I love you so much more, darling."


"Baby blue," I suggested, looking into Obi-Wan's eyes for the reference of color I wanted. He stared back at me, an auburn eyebrow cocked while he stroked his beard in thought. "You want a baby blue dress? Not white?" he asked.

I shook my head, rubbing Obi-Wan's arm, "C'mon love, you would look amazing in a blue suit." My fiancé just planted a kiss on my nose before scribbling down what I said.

"Then baby blue it is. The bouquet, you want assorted colors or also blue and maybe a little white?" I sucked my teeth, imagining me walking down the isle. It flashed before my eyes, sending estatic butterflies to my stomach. "Blue and white."

Obi-Wan scribbled something down again. I rested my head against his shoulder while I stared down at his notebook, his big hands setting down the pens he'd been writing with.

"I know you've never been the planning type, but don't get tired on me so early," he joked, his accent mocking but sweet. I giggled, feeling content as Obi-Wan wrapped his arm around my waist.

"I'm not tired, just so in love with you. I hate planning, but this is our future, I'd plan for months just to marry you Obi-Wan Kenobi," I said, tilting my head to the side and kissing his cheek. He held my face there, relishing the affection.

Obi-Wan turned his head and took my lips into his, kissing me. It was a slow kiss that wasn't going anywhere, but I didn't seem to want it to go anywhere. I was happy with savoring his sweet-tasting lips. I felt warmth creep under the skin of my cheeks, lighting then up red. Obi-Wan's kisses always hypnotized me and I love it.

When he pulled away, I rested my forehead against his. My nose brushed against his as we admired each other. His knuckles caressed my cheekbone, making my heart throb at the attention as I melted in his arms like puddy. A true god among men, my Obi-Wan was, his actions dripped with love. I had never felt as powerful as I did now, being in his bulky arms every night, wrapped up like a burrito in his cloaks when it was cold.

I touched lips with Obi-Wan gently, in a kiss so light there was a second I didn't believe our lips were touching. "I can't wait to marry you, darling. To see you walking towards me, ready to take my hand in marriage is an image that's gone through my head countless times. I'm the happiest man in the galaxy just to be waking up to you every morning, watching you slip the engagement ring back on after sleeping in my arms all night. I've never been more happy," Obi-Wan said, his words enchanting, filling my ears with loving words.

"Obi.. I love you," I said, pecking his lips again. His scent, words, features, they were all intoxicating. I was addicted to him like a drug and I loved every second of the peaceful addiction.

My future husband nuzzled his nose against me, a giddy smile on his face. "I would be a liar if I said I didn't love you right back."

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