Loving Tech - Clone Trooper Tech (Fluff)

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Warnings: I slipped a pun in the first paragraph, fluffy - like fluffy fluffy


Things were quiet for the first time in a long time on the Havoc Marauder. Well, as quiet as quiet was to me. The on and off "gonk"s that Gonky played now silenced as he was turned off and left in the spare room. Wrecker and Echo were out cold in the bunks, Crosshair had his arms crossed, leaning against a wall as he "napped", though he could probably still hear a pin dropping if it were next to him. And Hunter sat with a cup of caf in the cockpit.

Tech though, he was wide awake, scrolling through holonews next to me in the small booth we had on the Havoc. He was adorable as his eyes scrolled over text and watched videos of political figures embarrassing themselves. He enjoyed the drama his datapad provided, though he would occasionally find sweet tooth-rotting poems that were meant for someone to share with their lover. And I had to admit, though they were cheesy, he made me melt with them. The hazel glint in his irises twinkled, eyes smiling at something.

Though, their destination was now on me, helping me figure out why he seemed to smile through them. "You've been staring at me for an awfully long time, darling. Is there something you need?" he asked, brushing a strand of hair out of my face.

I blushed profusely at his words, giving him a look of innocence that he always loved to see. "No, you're just.. handsome," I whispered, voice refusing to project any louder than an almost squeak.

Tech chuckled, his free hand reaching up to rub at my jawline. I rested my head on his shoulder, smiling. Peaceful. Loving Tech is peaceful. His thumb stroked my bottom lip as his fingers continued to leave feathery trails over the underside of my chin. His touch was always loving and gentle.

My lips laid soft kisses onto his thumb as my eyelids fluttered shut. "I love you, Tech," I spoke out, nuzzling my cheek against him with drowsy smile of adoration gracing my face.

"Oh, I love you more than you could ever think, sweet girl," he responded, turning his head and tilting it down so he could plant a kiss onto the top of mine.

Loving Tech is a blessing.


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