Love At First Sight - Luke (Fluff)

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I worked at a small parts shop in Naboo. I was hardly ever visited by any customers, but it was nice that things were like that sometimes. Being able to take breaks outside in the lovely weather, smelling the aroma of flowers and grass. The planet was beautiful, and even though I was poor, I would rather be poor in Naboo than rich on somewhere like Tatooine.

  I sat out on a bench sipping coffee beside the entrance of my shop. The wooden "open" sign was still up, I was ready to drop everything to take a customer inside and sell them something.

  I heard a roar of a Wookie, something I hadn't hear for years. Then a male voice, "Calm down Chewie, it says the shop is open."

  My head shot up to see a group of complete strangers to the area standing there in front of my shop. It was a group of seven. Three humans, a girl and two boys, a wookie, and two droids, a blue and white astromech droid and a golden protocol droid.

"Oh my! I am dearly sorry, I was taking a break, there's often not a lot of business in my shop," I said with an awkward smile. The girl took the lead in following me. She was beautiful with chocolate brown hair that was excellently pampered and a soft face shape. She looked almost like a princess.

I walked into my shop and set my coffee down on the counter, turning back to the large group. "What is it that you require?" I asked.

A tall scruffy looking brunette walked up next to the girl, his arms crossed. He told me the parts he needed (I don't know shit about ships, don't come for me.) and I just nodded my head. I went to the back storage room, looking for what he asked. We didn't have many in stock so I kept most in the back, seeing as they were rare and scoundrels stealing was not.

I walked back out with the part and laid it on the counter. "40 credits, these things are extremely rare so I hope the price doesn't bother you," I said, expecting a complaint.

"Only 40? Are you sure? Other shops price these at 80 credits," the woman said, the shocked look on her face made me let out a soft laugh.

"I'm very sure, you are my first and maybe last customer of the day and I don't feel the need to drive you away with high prices. You want it?" I asked, patting it with my hand. The scruffy lookin guy dropped some credit on the counter and took the part, making his way out.

I leaned over the counter and counted the credits. The man that paid looked like someone I had seen on a wanted poster about a year ago, so I felt the need to take precautions. 50 credits in total, I thought to myself. I quickly ran out of the store, the realization settling in. "Hey, you left-"

"We know!" the woman said, laughing at my reaction this time. I blushed madly and walked back into the store. They must've been from another part of Naboo, those generous folk. In my small town in Naboo, some people would pay you less if they didn't like the way you dressed or the color of your hair or if you said "hi" instead of "hey".

I checked the time on the clock, ready to close down since I knew there was no other business coming my way. 6PM. I sighed and flipped the 'open' sign to the 'closed' sign. As I was about to grab my keys to leave and lock up, the front door opened.

"I hope it's not too late to buy something else. We forgot all of what we needed after one of our droids got distracted and wandered off," a boy said. He had sandy blonde hair that looked extremely fluffy and soft blue eyes that made my knees weaken. I was surprised when I didn't notice him in his group. He was handsome.

"Oh, that's alright," I said softly. I listened to him tell me about the part he needed. He seemed to be the quiet type, but oddly social.

I walked the store and found the part he needed easily. I picked it up and started walking back over to him, smiling the best smile I could manage.

"Are you an angel?" he asked, looking down at me with a smile also on his face, though his made my heart flutter in delight. He looked even more handsome than before and I couldn't help but feel myself melt at his complimenting words.

My face was flustered and I quietly responded, "I'm not sure, though I believe you may be. I've never seen a more handsome creature walk this planet."

While I was staring up into his diamond blue eyes, he brushed hair behind my ear with q feathery touch, leading his palm to rest on my face afterwards. My face nuzzled into his hand, warmth traveling across my whole body, especially my cheeks. I didn't even know this man's name and I was puddy in his hands.

"I'm Luke Skywalker, what's your name?" he asked, as if he had read my mind just a second ago.

  "Y/n L/n," I replied, smiling up at Luke. The way he stared down at me made me almost fall in love with the blonde on the spot. I had only met the boy like.. three minutes ago!

  He smiled wider and looked away from me in an almost shy way. "You have a very beautiful name." I giggled lightly and held the ship part up to him.

  "You may wanna take this back to your friends before they assume I've murdered you," I said, tracing the handsome indent on his chin with my index finger. He blushed at my movements and nodded.

  He handed me the money for it but kept his hand on my face. "We're stranded here for the next few days. Would you like to... I don't know.. possibly go on a.. date tomorrow?" He asked, fixing to find the right words.

  I nodded frantically, reaching up to him on my tippy-toes, planting a kiss on his red cheeks. His eyes fluttered shut as if he fell into a state of pure bliss.

  We said our goodbyes and he left. I made sure everything was in order and grabbed my keys and coffee, walked out of the door and locking it, still warm from the feeling of Luke's intoxicating touch.

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