Lion's Mane - Luke (Fluff)

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Warnings; fluff, Luke being a tit man, that's pretty much all


"Done!" I yelled to Han, finally fixing the hyperdrive on the Millennium Falcon for the 2nd time that month. The thing always seemed to break down, but Han loved it. I couldn't refuse my brother on making him happy, though he'd never admit how much of a help I was when Chewie wasn't up to do anything.

Han came over to me with his right hand stuffed into the pocket of his jacket, looking at the hyperdrive before smiling to me and patting me on the shoulder, "Thanks sis."

"You're welcome, now I have a Jedi to greet from his training, I'll see you later," I said, giving my brother a quick side-hug before walking off to my quarters.

I knew Luke would be back from training at any second and I always tried to be there to surprise the tired blonde. It was a frequent routine, he'd come back from training, exhausted, he'd take a shower and then he'd lay in bed with me, ready to pass out. I catered to his every need, wanting the Jedi to be as comfortable as possible.

I punched a code into the keypad outside of me and Luke's door. It opened with ease, allowing me to slip in. The door wooshing shut, I grabbed a water from the fridge and sat down, beginning my wait for Luke.

I supposedly got back at an amazing time, not even taking my first drink from the plastic bottle and Luke was opening the door, his tank top slung over his shoulder and his chest bare, covered in a think layer of sweat. "Hi, Beautiful," Luke greeted with a tired smile.

"Hi, Handsome. How was training?" I asked him, planting a kiss on his lips before he made his way to the shower.

Luke let the refresher door open a crack so he could talk to me. "It was alright, same as usual." The quiet noise of clothes dropping came before Luke peeked out of the refresher. "Can we cuddle when I get out?"

I smiled widely at Luke, "You didn't even have to ask."


I rushed to throw on a pair of shorts and one of Luke's large t-shirts as I heard the pouring water cease. I folded my dirty clothes and set them in the laundry basket that sat on the floor in our closet. I guess I didn't hear the refresher door open up because Luke's dirty clothes were also thrown into the basket from behind me before strong arms lifted me up by my waist. I waved my feet around, gripping Luke's forearms.

I looked up at my boyfriend, my eyes meeting his icy blue ones. He smiled down at me, walking us over the the bed and throwing me down like we had been wrestling, climbing over me and kissing me passionately. His lips were always so sweet and never disappointed me when it came to him grabbing my face and sucking my face off like there was no tomorrow.

Luke pulled away after a few moments, getting comfortable on my side. His head laid on my breast and his hand snaked into my shirt like he'd do whenever he wanted one thing in particular.

He silently told me he wanted me to play with his hair today from how he'd tucked himself beside me. I smiled to myself, staring down at the content boy that nuzzled his cheek into my boobs like they were the best pillows he'd ever laid on. I gently tossed around his wet hair like a salad, running my finger through his blonde mane.

Luke hummed into my touch, rubbing my tummy as I played with his hair like it was a toy. Luke had always loved whenever I did anything with his hair. One day he'd enjoy me playing with it, other days he'd like me... tugging it. Let's just say he loved when I touched his hair in anyway, sweet or aggressive. I understand though, why put the big floof to waste?

"You're too good to me.." Luke mumbled on the verge of sleep. I giggled dragging my nails lightly across his scalp in a circular motion.

"I think you're too good to me, giving me all this hair to play with," I joked, tugging on it teasingly. Though, Luke was already dead asleep due to my touch. I made myself comfortable, laying a hand in his tussled up locks and resting my other arm behind my head, drifting off into blissful sleep with my lover.

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