Newest Mission's Discussion - Anakin (Smut)

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  I finished cleaning the wound of one of my soldier's arms, pressing a bacta patch over it and smiling up at him. "All done, we won't be set on another mission for about a week, so that will be enough time for your arm to heal up. No wrestling in the barracks, alright?"

The clone chuckled, his chest rumbling, "I'll try my best, commander."

I moved from the side of the bed, allowing him to stand up and return to the other men on the ship while we flew through hyperspace back to Coruscant. The others happily accepted him into their card game, cracking jokes and laughing with each other.

I cleaned up my working station, being the only one of my battalion that knew how to work with medicine and how to make sure their wounds wouldn't be infected was a busy job, having me spend almost two hours making sure my men's injuries were dressed nicely.

I sighed, finally sitting down and taking a small break before I went back out into the chaos of my men trash talking each other loudly. Though, the second I sat down, my holopad sounded off, beeping for me to answer it.

I stood up with an overexaggerated groan, rolling my eyes and walking over to the table I'd sat it on whilst fixing up my men. I pressed the button to answer it, catching the blue image of Captain Rex, his helmet held between his arm and waist.

"Captain! What's the matter, I just finished giving my men a check up. The mission went a little wild and they got roughed up by some droids but they seem fine," I said, smiling widely at the Captain. Maybe Anakin's waiting for me at home, I thought.

The clone looked over to his right before looking back in my direction and saying, "General Skywalker requests that you see him immediately after your return. You will give him your mission report today. I'll see you when you get here soldier." The call ended, leaving me with my aftershock that was always personal.

I bit my lip, excitement bubbling in me at the news I just heard. Almost always after missions, I was requested to see Anakin. Rex must've figured out that we were in a relationship by now, but I don't think Anakin cared, he trusted Rex enough to lead a clone battalion with almost no help at all.

Containing the giggle that rose in my chest, I huffed out a breath. The thought of Anakin made me beyond happy. One more hour and we'd be landing on Coruscant, where Anakin and I shared an apartment. I'd be able to latch onto him and feel his heart thrumming in his chest just for me. I went back to cleaning up, placing my half empty box of bacta shots back into a drawer. Yawning, I took notice of my body begging for rest. I knew now wasn't the time though, soon enough I would get the well rest I deserve in my lovers broad arms.

Packing away the rest of my medical supplies to fix up the injure soldiers, I giggled almost silently, knowing the treatment I'd get when I got home. Maybe I would take a nap, another yawn escaping my mouth as my thoughts of Anakin disappeared, leaving me with the want for a warm shower and a cozy bed to curl up in.


"We've landed, Commander," one of my men said. I nodded, not bothering to turn around and see which one was speaking to me. Instead, I continued to pack up my medical supplies that I'd stored away before I took my small nap. It was hardly a nap though. I had only closed my eyes, imagining the touches I've been missing for a month while I was out on Geonosis. I couldn't resist the anticipation, so I didn't fall into any sort of sleep.

I slung my bag over my shoulder, turning on my heels and walking to ramp of the ship. They'd given us quite a big one this time, as I had to accompany another battalion, though they ended up taking another ship back.

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