Appetite - Cal (Smut)

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Warnings: oral (m receiving), virgin!Cal, virgin!reader, cuddling at the end, praise kink, slight hair pulling/tugging


You stumbled up the steep ramp behind Cal, hearing Greez pressing buttons frantically on the console, preparing you for take-off from your eventful visit to Dathomir. You needed to pick up a fruit that was expensive on the market, though Merrin wasn't particularly happy with Cal, resulting in a bunch of undead nightsisters on your tai while you raced out of there.

Cal's arm wrapped itself tightly around your waist, basically scooping you up into his arms as he pressed the button to close the ramp behind you, dragging you all the way inside the Mantis while it lifted itself off the rocky ground.

You collapsed into the man's arms as he wrapped the second one around you too, leading you to the couch and plopping down on it with you. All you could focus on was steadying your breathing, Cal's matching how heavy yours was.

"Did you get the fruit, Cal?" Cere asked, coming into the main room from where she was most-likely seated in the cockpit. You two felt the Mantis shift as Greez had the Mantis jump into hyperspace.

Cal cleared his throat, about to apologize about his failure of finding the fruits, but you removed the pack that hung around your back and opened it - 3 precious fruits that had credits written all over them laid there, snug in the pack. "No, he didn't, but I did."

You flashed the ginger a cheeky smile, you two both knowing the embarrassment that was flowing through Cal's veins. He hated seeing you one-up him. He couldn't tell you how badly he wanted to command you get on your knees for that cocky attitude, he couldn't say that to his innocent partner in crime - his virgin best friend that was basically "banished" from the Jedi Order at the same time he was, when it all fell apart. You were innocent, but holy maker did Cal think you would make a fine "pillow" on his bed.

"Well done, Y/n. We won't be getting to any other planets for another rotation or so because it seems all the ones around us have no market place to sell at. So, how about you two kids take a rest, you deserve it."

You smiled at Cere, breathing in her kindness and standing up, dropping the bag onto your "dining room" table and heading off to your "quarters". You had taken the small room in the back, Cal having one of the actual private quarters that were provided on the Mantis.

Cal wished you never went to that back room every time you were given permission to take a break or to rest your head. He wished that he would watch you walk off and open the door to his room, stepping inside, grabbing one of his many sweaters - though he himself preferred wearing ponchos - and laying down in his bed, waiting for his to walk himself into that room, plopping down next to you and holding you closer than anyone could possibly be held.

His head ran wild with thoughts of you, the beautiful angel that has blessed his journeys and made life so much easier to live through. He was in love with you - and he had no idea that you loved him just as much. He had never asked.

Cal stood up next, nodding at Cere before making a beeline for the restroom, desperately wanting to shower.

You listened to the refresher door as it shut, soon after that noise, hearing the sound of the water running. You didn't feel as grimey as Cal probably felt, though to had watched him stumble and/or fall multiple times while fighting off the hags that roamed Dathomir at the moment. You essentially had all the easy work - picking a few fruits and in a moment of haste, fleeing.

You lied down on your bed, now having changed into sleeping shorts and a sweater you had stolen from Cal months before, though whenever he saw you wearing it, he only stared instead of speaking up. You always just assumed he thought you were annoying for taking it or he had forgotten it was ever his, you just didn't know how hard he was under his pants in those moments.

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