Maul + S/o W/ Stretch Marks - Fluff/Blurb

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"What are you doing in there, dove?" the zabrak asks, peaking his head into the bathroom.

Tears ran down your face, your shirt held to your chest and your lip pouted in shame. They were everywhere it seemed, and it only hurt to stare at the same ones everyday, never hoping their disappearance anymore, just dreading them.

The zabrak's curiosity drained into a frown, approaching you and looking in the mirror with you. "I don't see why you think they're ugly," he says, thumbs rubbing tears off your cheeks as he takes his place behind you.

"What do you mean, Maul, they're.. they're ugly," you sob, biting your lip and tilting your head down so he won't see.

Maul's hands moved to your sides, rubbing them with love, "They're not ugly. In Dathomir, our marks are a symbol of strength. Though yours aren't tattooed, you would be shown as very strong, my pretty girl."

You looked up to see his face, a smile gracing hip lips as he rested his chin on your shoulder. "You have marks like me, dove. You're so pretty with them too, the most beautiful creature I've ever seen."

"Really?" you asked with a sniffle as your eyes get big while staring at him.

"The most gorgeous woman in this galaxy."

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