You're Not Intimidating - Anakin (Fluff)

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I'm a known scoundrel around Tatooine. I cause trouble in market places, I have debts to pay off, I've had a blaster held to my head before, I've had a knife held at my throat, but today, I far much dangerous weapon was held to my throat.

  So, I admit, sometimes I'm bad at getting out of trouble. And this was something I knew I was gonna be screwed for when the jedi showed up to Mos Eisley Cantina.

The day before, I had stole some weapons for a dude named Cad Bane. I didn't know who he was working for, but I did know that he was giving me enough money to pay off debt to this chick.

  The jedi started speaking to a man and the first word he spoke sent their heads in my direction. Their footsteps were slow as they started walking towards me and I pretended not to notice that they were coming my way.

  "Are you Y/n L/n by any chance?" asked the one with a deep voice. He had a brown jedi mullet that looked like it could've been blonde at some point. He had a scar on his right eye, which was blue like his other was and a stoic posture. He was taller slightly than the other man.

  The man next to him had sandy blonde hair swept to the side and a beard. His eyes were a lighter shade of blue and he looked more softer than the other. They both wore jedi robes with their cloak hoods down.

  I cocked my eyebrow, looking them up and down. Especially the taller one. "What's up? I don't remember causing any trouble with the jedi recently."

  The shorter man held out his hand. "My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi and this is my friend, Anakin Skywalker."

  I shook his hand. "Nice to meet you Obi-Wan and Anakin, if you didn't already know, I certainly am Y/n L/n. Anything you need boys?"

  Anakin looked at Obi-Wan like he wanted him to take the stage instead of talking to me himself.

  "Before you talk to me, the Skywalker dude looks more intimidating, if that's what you guys are trying to figure out," I said.

  Obi-Wan shook his head. "It doesn't seem like intimidation is necessary. Have you spoke to a man named Cad Bane recently?"

"Yeah. He asked for me to smuggle some weapons. I admit, I'm a criminal, but I don't take sides if this is what this is about."

  "So you understand why we're here? Why'd you smuggle for someone working for the Empire if you don't like taking sides?" Anakin asked, sounding stern.

  I looked around the place. Few people were staring. "Come," I said and walked out of the Cantina with them trailing behind me.


  We were now outside, in an alleyway where many couldn't see or hear things from.

  "Look, being in trouble isn't new to me. I had to pay off a debt. I broke this chick's speeder while I was borrowing it and she promised to kill me if I never paid her off. Bad Cane, or whatever that blue guy's name is, promised me enough Galactic Credits for me to pay her off," I said.

  Anakin sighed. "You're careless, aren't you?"

  "Anakin, calm your temper, she's telling the truth," Obi-Wan said. He looked back to me. "Do you know where Cad Bane may have gone to with those weapons?"

  I scratched the back of my head. "When he left, I heard him talking to his arm about Geonosis."

  Obi-Wan then looked back to Anakin. "I'm going to talk to Master Windu real quick. Stay here."

  Anakin nodded and watched Obi-Wan walk away. Then, I heard buzzing and Anakin grabbed my forearm aggressively.

  "You're not telling us something, scoundrel."

  "Keep grabbing me that tightly Skywalker, I might start to like it," I said with a smirk.

  Then, the lightsaber was held to my throat, Anakin's blue eyes glaring at me. He wanted something from me, like I hadn't told them everything they wanted to know.

  "You're awfully handsome. It sucks that you wanna kill me, I was thinking about asking you on a date," I said seductively.

  Anakin rolled his eyes, taking his lightsaber away, noticing I wasn't scared. "Don't speak to me like that."

  I grabbed the belt that held his tunic in place and yanked his body towards mine. My face was inches from his to where we were sharing the same air.

  "I'll speak to you however I wanna speak to you. You don't scare me, jedi," I whispered.

  Anakin's hands moved onto the wall, on each side of my head, pinning me between him. He growled at me lowly as I held onto his cloak, biting my lip and looking up at him.

  "I'll make you scare-"

  "Anakin!" Obi-Wan called out. "Get over here, Master Windu wants to have a word with you!"

  Anakin rolled his eyes and back away from me, looking disappointed. I smiled at him and got on the tip of my toes to plant a kiss on his cheek.

  "See you around Skywalker," I said with a wink.

  He just smiled at me handsomely and walked back to Obi-Wan, leaving me missing his body against mine.

(I know this is really bad, I didn't know if I even wanted to post it. But, like, an hour ago, I finished Revenge Of The Sith. I almost cried.)

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