Half-Full - Cal Kestis (Smut)

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  I was supportive with him. I had to be if I could be the girlfriend, maybe one day wife, to a dedicated Jedi Knight. And I was supportive over the decision he was making, but it caused my brain to overload with questions I wanted answered. But I couldn't ask them, no.

I waited for Greez to wake my lovely ginger up, I was shivering with fear, I wanted to know if he was alright. 'Vader' was all Cere said when Merrin brought the two back. And seeing Cal the way he was sent a shock of wave through my body.

I'd been laying in Merrin's arms for the past hour, tears staining my cheeks and my eyes puffy from crying. "He'll he okay," she whispered, her voice and accent smoothing in my attentive ears.

"I'll go check on him," Greez said, patting my head and walking off with BD hoping onto his shoulder, weightless. This was the 20th time Greez had said that, and I knew he was gonna get impatient one of these times and just wake Cal up himself.

It seemed like half-an-hour had passed, when only 5 minutes had, before Cal walked in. My eyes went wide and I scrambled to get up, hugging onto Cal's neck. He grunted and I pulled away, whispering a sorry.

Merrin stood up, walking towards me and Cal, stopping at my side with a smile on her face - though mine was twice as wide. Cal snickered at the giddy look the rested on my lips before looking at Merrin, "That was you in the water, wasn't it?"

Merrin nodded, a pleased look on her face. "I'm glad you're okay, she said, saying it for the both of us - I could tell by the way she poked my arm, "This one wouldn't leave your side," she said, motioning to Greez with a grin.

Cal looked at Greez who was almost behind him and Greez flashed him a smirk. He looked back over to Merrin, "Thank you."

Merrin nodded once before we watched Cal walk over to Cere, pausing and smiling before saying "Hey."

"Hey," she responded, watching him sit down beside her.

Greez tugged at the sleeve of my sweater, dragging me over to Cal and Cere. Cere averted her eyes towards the Captain of the Mantis before he spoke, "What now?"

"Well Captain, this is the end of my charter. Your contract has been fulfilled. Thank you, Greez," she said, causing a smile to tug at the alien's lips.

"Well, if it's all the same to you, I was thinking that maybe I'd stick around here and.. take you wherever you gotta go," he sat down, leaving me the only one standing as Merrin had taken a place next to Cal. "Besides, uh.. kid kinda looks up to me."

"What about that?" Merrin asked, waving her hand in front of her as she motioned towards the holocron that Cal and Cere had almost died for.

"We use it," the retired Jedi Knight responded. "To rebuild the Jedi order."

Cal picked up the holocron, inspecting it like he would my face in the days we would just lay together, his hand rested upon my cheek. He stood up from the couch, letting it go as it started to unlock itself, showing the encrypted files of all the Force-sensitive younglings. We all watched the blue light shine on Cal's handsome, but he was more focused on reading all the children's names than looking at any of us.

"The next generation of Jedi," Merrin spoke up.

"The empire will be after 'em, just like they're after us."

"The lives of every child on that list will be forever changed."

I knew what Cal was thinking, I knew what he wanted to do as he read the names, his mouth slightly agape. Cal shook his head, "Not by us."

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