New And Improved - Arc Trooper Echo (Fluff)

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  I was happy that I was accepted as the Bad Batch's mechanic and medic before Echo had shown up, because the I wouldn't have found my home with them on board the Havoc and met my soulmate, a now pale skinned clone that only had 3/4 of his limbs. I loved him even if he was half droid.

Me and Echo had been dating for a month now, but we were inseparable. Though he wasn't Mandalorian, the culture of his brothers accepting that they were Mandalorian in some way, shape or form started to influence the way he saw things and most practices. Like relationships for example. He claimed me as his future and I claimed him as mine, in Mandalorian culture, relationships romantically usually lasted through marriage and through death, there was no breaking up and dating for the thrill of it. And I accepted that and I accepted that we were bonded forever.

And that's why I'd been working on this project for so long. I had hid it from the rest of the team, not wanting them to know what I had in mind because I knew Wrecker would 'accidentally' tell Echo about it, Tech would take over the whole project because him constructing it would be more efficient, and Crosshair and Hunter would tease me about my commitment to him. The boys hadn't needed anything fixed in a while, so I figured I could finally make what had been on my mind for a while.

A mechanic arm for Echo.

I had snuck off in the middle of the day sometimes, catching General Skywalker when he was free and having him help me blueprint the arm and having him provide me the materials for it. The General had smiled so wide when I told him I wanted to help Echo, that I was willing to build the arm of a trooper that General Skywalker had once fought beside.

And here it was, finally finished and working properly, Echo's new hand and arm. I rushed out of the Havoc, a large smile gracing my lips. He was going to love it. But I knew that I couldn't show him first, I needed someone to test that it worked.

Slowing my pace as I walked down the ramp, my eyes caught the boys chatting with Captain Rex, General Skywalker beside him with his arms crossed and his own mechanic hand covered with a glove.

I stepped into the conversation, waiting for the General to focus on my presence. He knew it was almost finished and he knew I would grab him once it was, and here I stood, ready.

"Y/n, is it finished?" General Skywalker asked, cocking his eyebrow. All the boys looked at me - especially Echo.

I nodded my head frantically, the excitement of my success painting my face a light pink.

"Is what finished?" Hunter asked, giving me and General Skywalker suspicious looks.

I smirked, "You'll figure it out sooner or later, now if you'll excuse me, I need to borrow the General for a moment."

All the boys exchanged confused looks while I turned my back on them, expecting General Skywalker to follow me as I once again rushed off, but this time towards the Havoc.


I heard the stomp of General Skywalker's boots as I waited for him at the small table that was pressed up against the wall of the ship. It sat there, waiting to be touched and connected to someone, Echo's finished arm.

I heard Anakin undoing the buckles on his glove, slipping the black material off with ease. He then disconnected his metal arm from his flesh arm. I was very lucky they were amputated at the same point, or else this whole thing would've been so much harder.

Anakin connected the metal arm made for Echo to himself, the arm almost exactly like his newer model. I watched as he moved the fingers, clenching them into a fist and them opening the hand again. Anakin's piercing blue eyes gazed up at me, his lips curling into a smile.

"It's perfect."


I hid the mechanic hand in the bunks that me and the others rested in, laid on the pillow of the twin sized mattress that me and Echo shared. I sat down at the table, seeing that the sun on Coruscant was just noticeably setting and the boys would be ready to return to the ship and do their own thing till they found themselves tired.

And I predicted correct, the synchronized footsteps walking up the ramp alerting me to the crew's presence. And I knew the first words that would be spoken.

"What did you need General Skywalker for?" Hunter asked, setting his helmet down on the table I sat at, looking at me with the same curiosity in his eyes that he had earlier, "He refused to tell us."

I smiled once again, the thought of the mechanic hand making me all giddy. "Well, I was making something that I needed his help with and it was finally finished, I just needed his approval."

"What could you have possibly made that needed the General of the 501st's approval?" he replied.

Now all the clones were eyeing me up, all wanting to know the answer to what Hunter had asked. And my smile only got wider. I had everyone just where I wanted them - especially Echo who took a seat across from me with his head tilted in a cute manner. I always loved his questioning looks.

I rubbed my hands together mischievously. "Take your places everyone, I will answer that question in a moment."

I practically floated into the bunks, so light on my feet due to the excitement that boiled in my chest. I snatched the mechanic arm off of me and Echo's bed and returned to the main room, holding it behind my back.

I locked eyes with Echo immediately. "You know how much I love you, and we all know how much you struggle with your arm, how there's not much you can do with a droid socket."

Echo came to realization quicker than the others. "You didn't-"

I pulled the mechanic arm from behind my back and placed it in front of him on the table.

He stared at it, giving me mixed emotions if he liked it or not. But I knew he did, because I noticed the tears that welled up in his hazel eyes. He turned towards me, standing up abruptly and wrapping his arms around me like he hadn't seem me for months. "Cyar'ika, oh my sweet girl," he whispered, petting my hair with his working hand as my arms wrapped tightly around his, returning the hug.

"You actually did it," Tech said, examining the arm closely.

I pulled away from the warm hug and looked at Tech, my eyes watering to match Echo's. I bit my lip, hiding my toothy grin. "Yeah, I've been working for months and Echo and Anakin's wounds match up, so he tried on the arm and it worked perfectly," I explained, turning to Echo, "Do you wanna try it?"

Echo didn't respond verbally, he was always very shy when it came to speaking a bunch anyways. He took his mechanic arm off, the one with a tool they used in almost every mission. He didn't know that wearing this wouldn't lose him anything though, that was the surprise.

Placing on the new arm, he took a few second before getting used to it and stretching his hands gratefully. He turned to me, about to thank me, but I held my index finger to his lips, "Not yet, press the button on your wrist."

Echo did what I said, pressing the metallic button and gasping at the results. Out of his palm came the droid socket that he rocked on his last arm, just able to retract all the way and he could still keep his mechanical hand attached.

"Y/n.. I don't even know how to say thank you," he mumbled, using both of his hands to cup my cheeks and plant a kiss to my forehead before holding my head to his chest.

Hunter chuckled, "Now you really have his heart."

"Like she didn't before," Crosshair retorted, smirking.


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