I'm Not Leaving - Captain Rex (Fluff)

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I'd been waiting all day for him, shivering in our bed, forehead covered in a thin layer of sweat. I had taken the week off from the war after freezing up on the battlefield a few days earlier. But he wasn't away from the war, yes he was on Coruscant, but he wasn't at our apartment. He was in the Jedi Temple, commanding the 501st or speaking with Anakin. And I was alone, afraid for once. Jedi weren't supposed to be afraid, but I couldn't help myself but have the fear that Rex wouldn't come home that night or any night at that. I didn't believe he was die, no, it was the dream I had that grown my fear.

The dream hit like a brick, waking me up in a cold sweat. Rex left, he left me because I was weak. And as much as I begged, held onto him, he still walked away. I need him, but he wasn't in our bed when I woke up. He was gone.

My holo started to go off from the bedside table, making me scramble in my sheet. I reached over, answering the call and turning the camera towards me. Anakin appeared, standing tall with his arms crossed and his hair slightly brushing in wind.

He laughed when he saw me, shaking his head, "How're you feeling? I could feel your emotions all the way from the Jedi temple. Obi-Wan definitely could feel it, he had me call you. Do you need me to send Rex over?"

I blushed, trying to stutter out a sentence before taking a deep breath. "No, you do not need to send Rex, I was just have a bad dream. You have those all the time Anakin, but I don't threaten to tell Padme," I retorted.

"Well," Anakin said with a chuckle, "I didn't need to command Rex to get over there, he left when Obi-Wan and I said we felt a disturbance from you. Just warning you, your Captain's worried."

I sighed, "I figured he would be, thanks for the heads up Ani." I canceled the holo call, turning back and crashing down on the bed, still tired.

Speak of the devil, I thought, feeling Rex nearby. We were connected, we could basically feel each other through the Foe, though he was nothing near Force-sensitive.

Rex peaked his head through the crack of our door little after I felt him near. "Mesh'la, are you alright? The General told me you were in distress," the clone said, walking in and setting his helmet on the bedside table.

"Just.. just take your armor off, please, get in bed," I practically begged, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes. And he did exactly what I asked, shedding his armor and climbing into our bed, laying on his bad and patting his lap for me to take my seat.

I sat on his lap, sliding my hands under his long sleeve, pulling it over his head and throwing it off to the side so I could lay my head on his bare chest.

His large hand rested on the side of my face and temple - the other resting on the small of my back, chest rising and falling underneath my cheek and his heart beating, the sound so beautiful to my ears.

"What's wrong, cyare, you were shaking when I walked in," he asked, accent soothing my worry, making me wanna snuggle deeper into the comfort of his grumbling chest.

"I had a bad dream last night. You.. you left and I was alone," I spoke, tilting my head to look at his chiseled face. "I don't want you to leave me , Rex. I can't... I can't lose you."

The handsome captain smiled down at me. "Oh, cyare, I'm not going anywhere, and I don't plan on leaving anytime soon. I would give up the 501st just to run away with you, we've talked about this."

"But those are your men-"

"Yes, they are, but you are my galaxy, you understand that? Nobody in this universe could take me from you, and I wouldn't let a single person take you from me. I wanna make you my riduur after this war is over," he said, incorporating a mando'a word into the sentence.

I smiled, biting my lip as a giggle bubbled up in my throat and escaped my lips. "What do you mean 'your riduur'?"

"It's what Mandalorians call their husband or wife. I want to marry you after this war, cyare. You're the love of my life. I know I've told you that I believed there was nothing for a clone to do after the war ends, but I don't believe that anymore. I believe there's something for me after this war, something with you. They'll probably give us human rights and send us off so they don't need to bear the expenses of feeding us and housing us for no reason other than back-up. But I wanna marry you, cyare. I'll open up a bar down in the lower levels of Coruscant and I'll live in this very apartment with you still. We can be happy together," he said, squeezing at my hip lovingly. "What do you say cyare, after this war, when there's nothing but peace, how about I make you my riduur?"

"I would absolutely love that, Rex, more than you'll ever know," I responded, my smile shining in the light that seeped through the curtains. Peace, no war, love. Love. Rex. "I love you."

"I love you too, ner cyare."


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