Mouth To Mouth Negotiations - Obi-Wan (Fluff)

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Warnings; really big fluff at the end, mention of large Obi-Wan hands


"'Soka! Wait up!" I called out to my togruta friend, jogging down the halls of the Jedi Temple. Sweat beaded at my forehead, the long training session I'd just finished weighing down on my shoulders. My legs were weaker than normal, Master Plo was known for his hard pushes in the training room though.

Ahsoka turned her head, white and blue tails moving on her shoulders as her eyes connected with mine. "Y/n!" she called back with a bright smile gracing her lips. She stopped walking, offering me an opportunity to catch up with her, breath heavy in my chest.

I swiped at my forehead with the back of my hand, cleaning off the clear sheet of liquid that coated half of my face. Ahsoka laughed when she saw my exhausted expression. "I told you not to train with him this early, he's always like this," she elbowed my arm, continuing her walk to wherever she planned to go.

"Nobody else was available! Anakin was checking in with Senator Amidala after she had some dude supposedly stalking her last week and Obi-Wan is no where to be seen!" I complained, catching the glimpse of a classroom that held a dozen younglings being taught by the wise Master Yoda.

I averted my gaze back to Ahsoka where she was watching the walls pass by as she moved. "Obi-Wan was sent on a negotiating mission, Kashyyyk again. A chief Wookie of some small village got into trouble with some separatist after refusing their request for resources, battle droids destroyed every house and market. They're requesting materials from the Republic to rebuild what was destroyed, Master Kenobi was selected to discuss the exchange."

"Obi-Wan? Negotiating? Are you sure about that?" I asked, a confused grin covered my lips. Just hearing the words Obi-Wan and negotiating made me mentally laugh. I thought back to the times where we'd be alone in a starship, his voice shaky and his words slipping out in occasional stutters. Clammy hands would be dried against his pants every so often and the tripping over his own feet was priceless.

Ahsoka finally looked back at me, eyebrow raised. "What do you mean by that?"

"Well, he's like- the clumsiest Jedi to ever walk these halls. Have you seen him trip over his feet before?" I asked with a snicker, remembering the time I tripped and fell onto him after his own two feet betrayed him.

"Y/n.. are you feeling alright? Obi-Wan has never been the type to trip, especially over his own feet," Ahsoka cleared her throat, Kit Fisto approaching us slowly, Jedi cloak brushing against the clean floors.

I smiled widely, something Kit usually took as a sign of respect. "Good evening Master Fisto," I greeted, bowing slighty as he stopped to join in on our conversation.

"Good evening Padawan Tano, Padawan L/n. Anything wrong?" he asked, a green hand cupping my shoulder in a father-like concern.

Ahsoka shook her head with a laugh, flittering her gaze between me and Kit. "Y/n thinks that Master Kenobi is the clumsiest Jedi ever. Can you believe that? That's impossible!"

"Maybe he's only like that around you. Who knows, maybe innocent Master Kenobi has a little crush on you," Kit smirked down at me, studying the way my face flushed red in embarrassment. Master Fisto was one of the chill Masters, but maybe too chill.

"Like Obi-Wan would ever have a crush on me."

Both the force-users gave me a look. That look. That look that told you that they knew how badly you were denying the truth, that they knew what you said was a lie even if you didn't.

"What? Why are you guys looking at me like that?" I asked, talking with my hands for a quick moments before both of them shot their eyes foreward, curling their lips and shaking their heads in amusment.

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