For Your Safety - Dryden Vos (Smut)

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Warnings; toys, bondage, degradation, master kink, dom/sub dynamics, hair pulling, deepthroating, oral (male receiving), slight face-fucking, humiliation, tooth-rotting nicknames, some fluff, I haven't written in a while so this is probably shit.


  Being Dryden Vos' top personal assistant didn't mean that I was trusted to do anything. In fact, a lot of the time he didn't have me doing much at all. Being his personal assistant meant I was his lover. And most importantly, I was

. Nobody was to talk to me in a way me or Dryden didn't like and nobody was to touch me without permission from Dryden himself.

Of course everyone followed those rules if they were smart so there were never any problems. The only time there had been a problem was when an outsider to the Crimson Dawn mistook me for a "whore that Dryden picked off the streets of Corellia."

Dryden didn't like how the man touched me or referred to me as a whore. So, Dryden gave him his money and told him to leave - only to send assassins that had been aboard the yacht to sneak onto the man's ship and kill him, taking all his valuables as their own and selling the ship. After that, mercenaries that dropped in to deliver and collect never sparred more than a glance my way.

Dryden liked it that way. Though that meant I was to have almost no friends, there were people on the ship that were trusted enough to be allowed around me when Dryden had work to do and when I just wanted interaction for a change. The few friends I had were kind to me - though I hated how cautious they had to be. But I knew if I had ever said a word about them being cautious because of the threats that Dryden has made, he'd never change anything. Vos loved the power he had over people. Especially me.

I sat alone in our quarters, sitting on a comfy sofa that was set close to the wall and reading the day away. I didn't want interaction today, all I wished was to be left alone since Dryden had been busy for hours on end. I read silently, the crackle of a candle I had lit being the only present noise.

Vos had told me he was negotiating with someone who didn't keep their side of a deal, so I had simply said "Okay" and agreed to keep in our quarters on the yacht. He had everything suited to be comfortable for me, making sure it felt like a home. And it sure as hell felt like one - especially when he was around.

I heard the muffled noise of gunfire as my thought-bubble collapsed.

I tried to stop my brain from thinking about the possibilities, that there was always a chance that Dryden could get hurt while working with the scum that he did. Usually he stuck to his Kyuzo petars when it came down to murder.

I swallowed, hearing a blaster fire once, twice more and then....

White noise.

I slid the book marker into the middle of the pages and set the book down on the coffee table that sat directly in front of me. Curiosity killed the cat - though the cat probably didn't have a blaster just for emergencies.

I picked the blaster out of a small drawer in a cabinet filled with souvenirs from different planets that Dryden had personally smuggled from before he was an advisor and businessman. I put it to stun and turned the safety off, opening the door to our quarters and sneaking my way through the quiet halls.

There was no party today like there was often, which was a relief to me. So, that meant that the only life forms that would be roaming the halls would be the guards and even they all seemed to be quiet.

...or maybe Dryden needed the help. Dryden

needs the help, he usually has the skills to end any sort of combat with his hands - or his blade. Turning a corner, I saw no guard at the door that led to the main room - the one usually filled with obnoxious talking and the making of deals. It was silent and all open for anyone to walk in.

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