Celebration - Luke (Smut)

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Warnings; Daddy kink, sub!reader, kinda dom!Luke, Luke eating pussy passionately, riding, praising kink, Luke being a sweetheart


The Death Star was eliminated. No more planets had to suffer from the thought of possibly being blown to pieces. My boyfriend, Luke Skywalker, was still alive and now Han Solo was fighting with the Rebellion. Life felt like it was slowly coming together, slowly but surely.

I rushed to the hangar, watching my boyfriend's X-Wing land. Artoo chirped when he saw me, making his way over to my happy figure. Luke's blue eyes locked with mine and he ran over, taking my short body in his arms. "I missed you so much, sweet thing," Luke said, smashing his lips to mine. Mine and his relationship was supposed to stay a secret, but I didn't have a care in the universe who saw. All I was focused on currently was having Luke with me at all times today and tonight.

A whistle came from the large doorway leading to the hangar. Luke and I pulled away from the sweet kiss, our heads darting to look at who stood there. And of course, in all his glory, Han Solo was leaning against the doorway, Chewbacca and Leia behind with, Leia having a award-winning smile plastered onto her face. "When were you gonna tell us, kid?" Han asked with a smirk, pushing himself off the metal frame and walking over to us.

I blushed and looked at Luke, having no answer to give to Han. I bit my lip when I saw my boyfriend smiling with glee. "I don't know, but I'm just happy I survived to spend another day with her," he answered, running his hand through my hair. Chewie roared out and pulled me and Luke into a hug. Soon enough, our threeway hug turned into a group hug. I was content, I finally had a family.

When the hug ended, Luke still had his arm hooked around my waist, keeping us close together. The warmth that Luke's body radiated made my emotions change though. Soon enough, I felt pooling in my stomach, a feeling I'd been trying to push aside since I'd seen how Luke looked in his flight suit. The bright orange outift had me oddly aroused, my core throbbing, yearning for his touch.

I was hoping nobody could read my emotions and tell that by my red flushed face and my thighs pressed together that I was trying so hard to not beg Luke to shove me against the nearest wall and pound me like he had done many times before on Tatooine. I knew Jedis could read minds, I was hoping mine weren't as loud to him as they were to me. Though, slipping into a daydream for a second, my legs felt like they were going to collaspe.

I picture Luke hovering over my sweat slicked body, his hand pinning my arms over my head, his sandy hair tickling my forehead. "You're soaking through your panties, little one," Luke's voice echoed through my head. "So wet for her Daddy."

I broke out of my daydream to hear Luke calling my name. "Y/n... universe to Y/n," Luke called, smiling cutely at the fact that I'd zoned out without much distractions. I snapped out of my daze and looked into Luke's clear blue eyes. "I'm sorry, I.. I was just distracted by my thoughts for a second," I explained with a toothy smile, trying to move aside from my sudden act. Usually, I was always so attentive, so Luke knew something was wrong the moment I zoned out of reality.

Luke excused himself from whatever conversation he was having and took my wrist in his hand, tugging me out of the hangar and bringing me into the hallway. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" he asked me, worry filling his voice. It felt like my throat was clogged when he spoke though. His voice only made things worse for me, so I did the only thing I could to respond and have him understand. I whimpered, looking up at him with lust-fogged eyes.

Luke's face twisted into an expression I'd only been shown while alone with the seemingly innocent boy. A cocky smirk formed on his lips, his hand loosening it's grip on my wrist. "So that's what's wrong," he stated, moving his face closer to mine. He bit my bottom lip before lacing fingers with mine and dragging me back to our quarters.

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