Torture Subject - Darth Maul (Fluff/Angst)

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Warnings; degradation and not in the sexy way, reader gets fucking rocked and socked in the head, Maul is a sweetheart at the end


Master Kenobi constantly told me stories about Sith lords, how they were controlling, cold, vicious beasts that withheld no emotions, only pain. And sometimes, beasts wasn't a lie. Such as the story of Darth Maul, Darth Sidious' apprentice. Master Kenobi told me how he chopped the zabrak's knees off, sending him tumbling into black space. The story always scared me, the fact that somewhere in the pits of space, there was a dead Sith Lord.

I was older than most padawans for only being one for about 3 years. I was a young adult, but a quick learner. My master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, was an amazing teacher, so that also helped me with my learning speed greatly. I knew how to fight about any living organism two years into my training, I could wipe out a whole squad of droid in less than 5 seconds, and I had once defeated my Master in a battle. I was a strong girl, fueled on a burning passion for praise. There were times where I believed I could defeat a Sith Lord if it ever came to that, but Master Kenobi refused to allow me that confidence, warning me it would get me killed.

"Master, I'll be fine, you worry too much," I complained, looking at Obi-Wan, fire kindling in my eager eyes. The cross of his arms was intimidating, I will admit, but it wasn't convincing. I knew a trip to one of Mandalore's moons, Concordia, was dangerous, the knowledge that some members of the Death Watch may still reside there, but I was ready if they were there.

Obi-Wan gripped my arm, a stern look on his face. "You need to be careful, I should be coming with you, young one. You're overconfident, you'll get yourself killed with that attitude of yours." I swatted Obi-Wan's hand off me, anger boiling in the pit of my stomach.

"I'll keep myself safe, I promise. If I don't answer my comm at any given time, I grant you permission to come after me. Gosh, you're like a dad." Obi-Wan finally loosened up, laughing at my comparison. I gave him a warm hug before making my way down the halls of the Jedi Temple.


I landed my ship on the moon of Mandalore, snatching my lightsaber from the co-pilot's seat next to me. I hooked the hilt to my belt, quickly covering myself with my brown cloak.

I made my way out of my ship, beckoning my yellow and white droid, R3-D8, to follow me as I made my way onto the hard group. I stared off at the abandoned Death Watch camp. Some of the tents were ripped to shreds, not in amazing shape and definitely not livable for a human. The weather wasn't warm, so I didn't have a reason to believe people were living in this specific camp. Droids were scattered, broken or uncharged. A few guns were placed on the ground, pointed at the camp in an eerie way.

Arthree followed me, mechanical noises coming from him as we made our way into the Mandolarian camp. I ignited my lightsaber, the f/c blade aluminating onto the black tents, showing some of the contents inside. Tables, chairs, cots, broken artillery. They left everything in it's place, but seeing the condition, they never came back. I sighed, failing to find what I came here for. I wanted identity cards, names, something that connects with family or friends. The council requested that we figure out who these people are, if all of then are actually Mandalorian.

But, the harder I looked, the less I found. For once in my life as a padawan, the sound of my lightsaber was unnerving to me. It was the only noise I could hear, the planet was a ghost town. I knew this gave me better advantage to listen for footsteps or jetpacks that may tell me if anyone was still here, but in all honesty, I didn't want to hear the footsteps coming. Along with the dark eerie feeling, the moon was already enough for my heart to race quicker than ever before.

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