Early Present - Obi-Wan (Smut)

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Warnings; thigh riding, sexy Obi-Wan, Master kink, a little bit of a humiliation kink I guess, inappropriate use of the Force, goes from 1 - 100


After what felt like forever, the Council finally excused me to my quarters. The mission they have me was stressful, making me exhausted when I stepped into the High Council Chambers to give my report. They had to have noticed that I was craving a peaceful nap - either they didn't care or were too stupid to notice.

It even felt like the elevator ride to my apartment took hours, but once I got there, I rushed to my room like a cheetah. I was about to punch my code into the keypad before I noticed something was off. I pushed the 'open' button to my apartment, the door already unlocked and sliding open. I cocked my eyebrow, straining my brain to remember who could've had my password. Obi-Wan. Of course it was Obi-Wan! He practically lived with me when we weren't on mission!

I stepped in, smile on my face, waiting to see my handsome lover. My eyes scanned the living room before stopping at the couch. There he sat, in his white nightly robes and a Santa hat propped on his head. He wasn't wearing any pants, his legs spread wide like they often did. I could see his boxers slightly, them being a maroon color.

"Hello my darling, come," he said in a welcoming tone, smiling under his beard as two fingers beckoned me forward. I felt my knees buckle at the arousing sight of him, leaning back, his hair messy unlike it usually was.

I made my way over to him, ready to submit to him if he asked politely - or unpolitely, it didn't matter to me, the sight of him relaxing, his knees far apart from each other was intoxicating.

I stared into his sparkling blue eyes, standing in between his legs. He patted his right thigh. "Take a seat, my darling."

I blushed, sitting on his lap like a kid would if it were waiting for a story to be told by a parental figure, but Obi-Wan didn't seem to want me sitting like that. His hands grabbed my waist, lifting me off his leg before situating me with my knees on each side of his leg, facing him. His large thigh was between mine as Obi-Wan forced me to sit down, pulling me closer to him.

My core dampened at his quick movement, the friction enough to send a quiet moan tumbling out of my mouth.

"Now, my precious Jedi Knight, tell Master Kenobi what you would like for Lifeday," Obi-Wan said, lifting up my chin with a curled finger so I would look up at him. I had totally forgotten about the coming up of Lifeday, my brain failing to remember holiday while the war was raging.

I was speachless, afraid that if I tried to speak nothing would come out. His hand returned to my hip with the other, giving them a squeeze when I refused to answer. "Don't make me ask again, little one," he warned, tone strict and hard.

I held onto his biceps, trying to regain my composure. "Y-You." Obi-Wan looked at me woth fake confusion, his eyes flicking down to the way I was seated on his thigh, then back to my eyes. He asked, "In what way do you want me?"

I blushed heavily, the feeling of being small and powerless clawing at me. After a long mission of being the leader, I was tired of feeling in charge. "To.. to make me feel good, please Master. I ne-need you!"

"How badly do you need me darling? 'Cause I can think of many ways I could fulfill your needs," his smirk was wide, tantalizing, sexy.

I bit my lip, disconnecting our eyes as I tried to form the right words in my head. "Any way, any way you want to pl-please me, Master."

Obi-Wan thought for a moment, letting out a hum. He moved my hips forward on his thigh, making me whine. A laugh errupted from his chest. "Would you like to ride my thigh, my sweet? I know how much you love doing it," he remarked, making me remember the humiliating time where I was so starved for his touch that I grinded on his thigh till I came while Obi-Wan was finishing up a written report.

I shoved my face into the crook of his neck, his gaze already intimidating enough without the fact that he started to move my hips forwards and backwards in a slow motion. I moaned into his skin, his thigh warm amd pleasing through my pants.

"How about you be a good girl and help yourself, grind on me little one," Obi-Wan said, massaging my ass, waiting for me to move my hips with his hands.

I chocked down a moan as I started to grind down on him, my hands now gripping his shoulders tightly. I felt absolutely embarrassed, already feeling the need to cum this early on. Sure, it's been a long time since I'd pleasured myself, but I didn't think that it would take that much of a toll on me. Obi-Wan was a pleaser, making sure that I would usually get a rough fucking whenever he thought I was due for one, and he could definitely see it in the faded bags under my eyes that I was overdue.

I couldn't help but whine loudly when Obi-Wan started to bounce his leg under me. It didn't help that I was moving on his thigh like my life depended on it. My finger nails dug into his clothed shoulder, his movements sending me overboard.

"M-Master!" I yelped, feeling my stomach turn at the addicting feeling. Obi-Wan's hands stopped moving my hips, his leg speeding up underneath me. I almost thought he was gonna drag me to my orgasm only like this till I felt a warm sensation on my clit, almost like fingertips rubbing my nub in a circular motion. "Holy shit- Obi!"

My eyes rolled back at the intense feeling, my release rising through my body, threatening to spill from my drooling cunt. "Cum for me little one, let me hear how good I make you feel just with my leg."

"So so good!" I mewled, the phantom fingers rubbing faster, pinching at my clit. I screamed out white covering my vision hazily as I clenched around nothing, my legs tightening around Obi-Wan's thigh. The rubbing at my clit slowed, still helping me ride myself through my latest orgasm.

The Force stopped when Obi-Wan noticed my whines getting louder, sensing that I had enough. He pulled me close, his big arms comforting. Meanwhile, a blush was burning on my face, embarrassment washing over me.

Obi-Wan must've sensed the way I was scared of looking him in the face because he started to rub my back. "Nothing to be worried about, Y/n. I find it extremely arousing how much affect I have over your pretty little pussy." I squirmed on his lap, his words going straight to my core. "Now how about we get those clothes off of you, I bet they're uncomfortably soaked, hm?"

This was gonna be a long early Lifeday present.


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