Morning Gifts - Boba Fett (Smut)

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(I just got my laptop and now it's easier to paste my shut on here from Tumblr so have some content!! My Tumblr is dexthtoyounglings)

I woke up earlier than Boba which was a very irregular thing for me, though I knew what I signed up for when getting married to a bounty hunter. I pulled the sheets off of myself and my husband, excited for one thing.

Today was Lifeday, my favorite day of the year cause that meant Boba would rent a house near the water on Naboo for us to relax on.

I swung my leg over my husband, sitting on his lap with my hand planted beside his face. He grunted, opening his eyes to look at me. He was handsome, like his father. These past few months, the hair on his head had grown out from it's normal baldness, almost longer than a buzz cut. He'd been working hard for this gift he wanted me to have, it's like his life depended on it. He'd go on dangerous missions a lot recently, sometimes not even allowing me to take the trip there with him.

"You're awake early, cyar'ika," he commented with a devilish smirk. I nodded vigorously, pecking his lips.

"Of course I'm awake Boba, do you know what today is?" I was excited to give Boba his gift, the one I'd been saving all year for, and I was especially excited because I would finally figure out what that box was under the tree.

The sleepy bounty hunter sat up, his hand connecting to my waist as he stood up off the bed we slept in. I hung on him like a koala bear, the cool air hitting my bare legs, the panties I had worn to sleep only protecting so much from being cold.

I was carried out of the bedroom and into the living room for our rented house, a tree lit up in the dim room. The curtains were drawn, sheilding the room from any morning light.

I was placed down gently on the cold wooden floor next to the vibrant lights radiating off of green branches. Boba laid down a blanket, sitting down and dragging me to sit close to him.

"As you can tell, I've only got you one present, but I'm sure it will satisfy you. It cost more money than I have currently, but when it comes to you, that money doesn't mean shit to me," he said, kissing my forehead and placing the gift in my lap. It was wrapped in shiny green wrapping paper, the same one we'd been using for 3 years since we never bought eachother much, Boba always being the type to spoil me constantly while never wanting anything in return.

I looked at him with a wide smile before moving my eyes back to the wrapped box. I contemplated opening it before setting it aside. "Actually, you first dear, I think you deserve to open it first after all your hard work," I sat, reaching under the tree and grabbing the rectangle shaped box.

My husband hummed in confusion, taking the box from me like there was a bomb planted in it. His finger nails tore at the corner of the present, undressing it of it's green covering. A wooden box with a golden latch was presented in his hand. He glanced at me before flicking the latch up, his thumb crawling under the crease and lifting it.

The top fell behind the box, revealing a new blaster for Boba, the one he'd been checking out a while ago. His head turned fast, so fast I was scared he would get wiplash. Adoration filled his eyes, gazing at me like I had been an angel that fell from the heavens.

"Cyar'ika... you didn't have to," he said in a low voice, obviously tooken aback by the gift. I smirked, planting a kiss on his nose.

"That's not the only thing. It was a special order, something that they'd never really done for anyone. Check the handle," I hinted.

Boba moved his thumb, revealing his name imprinted in the side. I sat there, a giddy smile plastered across my face. He was so happy, all I wanted to do was cuddle with him, but I still had a Lifeday present to open myself.

Before I could comprehend that Boba had turned to face me, he tackled me in a bone-breaking hug, peppering kisses all over my face.

I took his face in my hands and kiss him before he pulled us both us to sit correctly. Boba once again put the box in my lap, his eyes encouraging me to open it.

"You're gonna love it, Princess," he promised, a hand landing on my thigh.

I tore through the wrapping paper, anticipation coursing through me. A cardboard box, thin tape closing it. I ripped the tape off, opening the top folds of the brown box. I took out whatever was inside, holding it up.

A real Mandalorian helmet in my hands, matching the Mandalorian armor I often wore when bounty hunting. When I'd gotten my armor, I didn't have enough money for the helmet, and Boba knew how badly I wanted it.

"Baby..." I said, my heart full with love for my partner.

He squeezed my inner thigh, watching me examine the helmet that was now mine. "You've been such a good girl this year, you deserve it. Put it on."

I situated the helmet on my head, looking through the glass-like material that formed a 'T' shape. I heard Boba groan, starting to rub my inner thigh. "You look so sexy.." he muttered.

A blush formed on my cheeks, tinting them red, though Boba couldn't see my flustered face.

"I want you," he growled, gripping my hips and pulling me towards him. I whimpered as my upper body was pushed down, my head almost under the Lifeday tree.


A smack landed on my ass, Boba's favorite way of shutting my mouth. He shoved my shirt up, gaining easy access to my bare tits. The way he was preparing me was feral, bringing out a side in him I never knew he had. Especially since this was all over a helmet he bought me. Kinky bastard, I thought to myself.

He pulled my ass back so it was pressed up against him, his bulge pressed up against my ass. "So beautiful, all mine," he said possessivley, his large hands gripping my ass harshly, kneeding his hands into it.

He shoved my underwear to the side, giving him easy access to my wet hole. He swiped two fingers across, collecting slick onto his fingertips. "You're drenched, little one. Is this all for me?"

I nodded, wiggling my hips back in an attempt to get his fingers to prod at my core again. Another smack landed to my ass, "Words mesh'la, use your words."

I whimpered quietly through the helmet. I could remember the way Boba filled me so good last time we had sex, my stomach turning. "In me... I need you in me Boba!"

"Good girl," his two fingers circled my hole, wetting themselves before pushing them into me. I moaned, his thick fingers gave me a heavenly feeling as they scraped against my walls. I pushed my hips against his fingers, sinking them deeper into me. Boba let me ride his fingers as I pleased, backing up against them till I could feel his knuckles poke at me.

I gave into my needs and set a pace with my hips. I let my moans go free, never keeping my contant noises in. I tilted my head to look at Boba. He was watching the show I gave him, pumping his length hard. He grunted as my walls squeezed around his teasingly, glaring at me when I let out a giggle.

He removed his hand from himself, now really focusing what was now in front of him. He muttered something about me being a naughty little tease before gripping my hips so they'd stop and added a third finger, pounding them into me without care.

"Fuck! Careful, Boba!" I yelped, trying to wiggle my hips against his restraint, failing miserably.

He growled, "Careful my ass, I'll be as rough with you as I please."

I whimpered, his fingers violently pumping in and out of me at a high speed. A knot was braided into the pit of my stomach, tightening as Boba fucked me on his fingers. My climax was close and I knew that me cumming on his fingers was what he wanted this entire time.

The only thing I could do was scream my lover's name as I came, big fingers shoved deep inside of me as my pussy clenched around them.

It was hot inside the helmet, my forehead sweaty and my eyes leaking with tears. Boba grabbed my waist, pulling me back as he lifted me up, carrying me bridal style.

I reached up to take the helmet off, revealing my wet face to Boba. He chuckled deeply, kissing my lips and whisking me off to our bedroom. I had a smug grin on my face, prepared for the fucking I was about to get.

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