Lula's Replacement - Wrecker (Fluff)

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Summary: Wrecker's in distress; where could Lula possibly be?

Warnings: nothing for once


It was really late for the Bad Batch, they were in hyperspace and that didn't really have times, but it was late in their schedule; around the time they would go to sleep. Of course, Tech would be sat out in the cockpit, watching the ship in hyperspace and working on whatever he wanted to work on throughout most of the resting period, but that was just Tech.

Crosshair stifled a yawn and Echo who was talking to him yawned in response. There was a sleepy aura in the ship, surrounding all of them in just a feeling of exhaustion. The mission had been hard, the GAR usually assigned hard missions when it came to Clone Force 99 so it was no surprise at all that you were all off your buzz now. Hunter had heavy purple bags under his eyes as he tried to occupy himself with his knife - but to no avail. Tech was, well he was taking early watch in the cockpit already, a bit annoyed as he listened to his large brother pace the Havoc.

Crosshair groaned after his attempt at suppressing the yawn that he kept behind a close fist. Listening to his brother's steps wasn't as annoying as it used to be, but this had been for a straight 10 minutes at this point. It was getting old and most importantly, it was making Crosshair irritated.

"What could you possibly be looking for, Wrecker?" Crosshair asked, voice raspy and rugged from the day's rounds. He was slowly taking apart his rifle, setting pieces into the rifle's box. They all sunk into the thick foam at the bottom of the case. There was no need to take it apart every night, but when he did, he felt like he knew his weapon a little better than just keeping it in one piece.

Wrecker didn't respond for a moment, looking under the table and in the cushions of the chairs. He was frantic, each time he passed through he searched the room with more tension in his muscles than before. Crosshair clicked the rifle box closed, slipping it on top of a weapons crate and watching his brother with dull eyes. He had checked that cushion three times now.


Wrecker turned to him, eyes glossy and a focused face on. His lip had a slight quiver in it that only Crosshair would ever notice, his scars shifted as his nostrils flared and his eyebrows were pointed down. Needless to say, the big guy was upset. And there was nothing to be upset about that the boys could see.

Crosshair softened a tiny bit. Echo hadn't ever really been able to witness something less than stone in Crosshair, Tech was always met with a hissing snake that was barring it's fangs and Hunter, well Hunter knew that he had a soft spot, just didn't know how deep in his heart you'd have to travel to get there. Y/n, well Y/n was the same case as Tech and Echo combined. Wrecker though, Wrecker was loving and he was emotional and he had moments where he needed support, everyone ignored him though, like a lost child in a public venue. Crosshair noticed though, sometimes he also played the ignorant part, but other times, times like this where he was between annoyed and concerned, he would act.

"It's- mm, Lula's gone!" Wrecker said, voice deep and sad, bellowing deep down in his chest. He'd basically tore apart the whole ship, he didn't know what he would do if he just lost her forever. He was scared of the nightmares, of being alone like that, his strength being useless. He didn't wanna go back to that.

Crosshair didn't give any indication of what he had on his mind; he begun his own search. And he had a feeling Wrecker was missing it somewhere that it was directly in front of his face. With his head pointed down, he entered the bunks. It was dim in here, accompanying the sleeping loth-cat that was Y/n. Wrecker's big time crush and the second (or third) technician of the team. They didn't need you, but the one mission they had to spend without you made then feel incomplete. Crosshair hated the way you stared at Wrecker and treated him so sweetly because Wrecker didn't understand that you were giving him the fuck-me eyes everytime you spoke. I mean, nobody really saw, but Crosshair did.

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