Bounty Hunter - Obi-Wan (Fluff)

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  I still remember being a small child, born and raised on the lovely planet of Naboo. I was a very lucky child, though that luck burned away quickly.

  My parents started fighting when I was 7, my dad being a Jedi, my mother being a Queen. I was born with the force, strong with it. My father wanted to train me to use the force, but my mother refused.

  One day, my mother caught me wielding my father's lightsaber, and scolded me and him. That night, was dragged away from my home, my mom took a starship and dropped me off on Hoth, a winter planet that had nothing but snow and mountains. My mother gave me extremely warm clothes, food and told me to wait in a cave. And I did.

  After two months of waiting and finally eating all my food supply, I laid in the cold cave, my hope running thin. Till a man in Mandalorian armor found me. He scooped me up in his arms and took me to his ship. I finally knew what warmth felt like again.

  His name was Jango Fett, he was in his mid-twenties to thirty and he took me in and began to train me to become a bounty hunter. I fought alongside him on dangerous missions at the age of 15, wearing a f/c Mandalorian suit. I loved Jango like a father, I took the name Y/n Fett. I always kept that name, even when I left at 20 years old. I was gonna stay at his side forever, help train and raise his son.

  But, after the news I heard, I just couldn't.

  "You're what?! You know how I feel about the war Jango, especially how I feel about the Separatists!" I yelled at him, my eyes brimmed with tears.

  Jango held my arms in place, staring down at me with his usual stoic nature. "I have to. I refuse to join the Republic, they will do nothing for me."

  "Then I can't stay here, I can't watch you go on this path. It is one I refuse to follow," I said, stepping away from him, his grip on my arms loosening as he let me go.

  "Y/n, you're not leaving, you cannot leave."

  "Oh yes I can Jango, and I will. You will let me leave."

  Jango grabbed my forearm and pulled me closer to him. He stared into my eyes like a beast. "You can't leave. If you do, I'll find you and get you back to me. I need you, Y/n."

  "You can have Boba. Boba's like a son to me, but I know you've already manipulated him as well."

  "I love you, Y/n. Please, stay with me, raise Boba with me. The Separatists will keep us safe from the war," he insisted, but I yanked my arm away and walked out of our apartment, traveling down the halls of the building we lived in.

  I walked out onto the wet ship-platform on Kamino, taking in the salty air. It was the last time I'd smell it before I left. My ship sat there in all it's glory, ready to leave with me.

  I stepped into it and then I was off, out to tell the Republic about the bounty hunter they didn't know about.


  I leaned against a wall in The Outlander Club in the lower levels of Coruscant. I figured if any Jedi had the day off, they'd surely find themselves at a bar, something to keep them entertained. I'd been here everyday for about a week.

  And as I expected, in came in two Jedi. I saw the lightsabers that clung to their belts and one had a padawan braid on him. One of them was extremely attractive, he had an auburn colored mullet with a beard.

  The attractive one walked over to the bar while the younger one roamed. I made my way over to the bar, stopping behind a frequent visiter to this club.

  "Want to buy some death sticks?" he asked in his raspy voice.

I sighed loudly. "Leave the man alone Elan," I said. He looked at me and scampered off in fear. I took a seat next to the Jedi, staring at him through my mask.

"Who are you?" the Jedi asked, his thick accent releasing butterflies in my stomach.

I took of my Mandalorian helmet and fixed my hair with my most charming smile. I held out my hand to the Jedi, "I'm Y/n Fett, Jango Fett's... well, it's a long story that you probably do not want to hear. I have information on some allies that the Separatists have, for example, some Bounty Hunters that you should know of. I would like to speak to someone with the Republic about these allies."

  The Jedi looked at me, confused out of his mind. He probably thought I was a Separatist myself. He took my hand and shook it though.

  "I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Knight. I can get you set up to talk to someone, surely, unless you feel comfortable talking to me. Though, I'm currently on a mission to catch some bounty hunter myself."

  "Are they in this bar? I saw, what I'm guessing was your padawan, walking around. He looked very focused on finding something," I said.

  Obi-Wan nodded. "A female, I don't really know where she's from, but she was hired to murder a politician, Senator Amidala."

  "I'll try to find her for you, I know many bounty hunters so that doesn't seem like too much of a problem," I concluded, standing up and starting to wander the club.

  While walking, I bumped into a lady with armor on and a hat. I recognized she was in one of her changed forms, a very pretty woman.

  "Zam, what's up?" I asked.

  She looked like she was scared out of her skin. "Miss F-Fett!" she said, her voice shaky. "Is there anything I ca-can get for you?"

  I pretended to think and then turned her around, taking cuffs from off my hip and locking her hands together. I knew she was who Obi-Wan had been looking for, cause when she wasn't in trouble, she'd speak to me in a way that made her seem like she was all big and important. Jango always had a little crush on her when she didn't look like an ugly changeling.

  I dragged her over to the Jedi. "Nervous little thing," I said to him.

  His padwan then rushed over. "I can't find her, Mas- I see you found her instead," he said with a laugh.

  I shot the boy a smile. Obi-Wan stood up and started walking out of the club so I followed with the bounty hunter and his padawan.

  We placed the bounty hunter against the wall. I stood the left of her while Obi-Wan started to question her. But, a bullet dug deep into her skin before she could speak. My head shot to behind me and there I saw him, Jango, already making his escape with a jet pack.

  I groaned to myself and looked back at Obi-Wan. He pulled a dart out of her and held it up in the light.

  "That's a poison dart. Jango Fett killed her, he was my... old friend. I could notice his darts from a mile away," I said to the Jedi, crossing my arms.

  Obi-Wan looked at his padawan. "Anakin, ready up the speeder," and his padawan was off into the night.

  "Jango Fett's from Kamino, a very rainy, ocean planet in the Outer Rim, be sure to bring a jacket or something with a hood," I told him with a smile.

  "Thank you so much. I'm positive I will see you again, Darling," he said, leaning down and kissing me on the cheek. My face flushed red as I saw him also rush off into the night. Stars, he was handsome.


  I love Obi-Wan, he's such a sweetheart, I'd kiss him on the lips 😌

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