I'm Not Ready - Anakin (Fluff)

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I was on the battlefield finally, my first time fighting in the clone wars was happening now. It had been a struggle to stay away, but the war was getting harder, the casualties were growing, and the droids were forevermore. I thought I was ready. I truly thought that this was my time to show people not to fuck with me. Well, that's what I had thought. Till General Grievous showed up.

"Obi-Wan and I will take the frontmost lines, you stay behind with the clones. Alright, Y/n?" Anakin commanded, looking at me sternly. I mean, he always did when he was giving commands to others.

"Roger roger," I saluted with a smirk plastered on my face.

Anakin rolled his eyes and then ran off behind Obi-Wan towards a horde of about 150 droids and group of 34 clones.

I was bouncing the droids shots off of my lightsaber, a lot of them loosing limbs or a head because of it. It was fun. It felt easy. Too easy.

My arms weren't tiring. I felt amazing, like I could do it in my sleep. Until I heard 2 lightsabers ignite. I knew Anakin and Obi-Wan already had their's on. So, I looked to my left, seeing my fate.

There he stood, the most dangerous droid they had on the dark side. It didn't have a blaster, or a tank. It had lightsabers. Jedi's lightsabers. Dead jedi's lightsabers.

My jaw dropped a bit.

"Young jedi, surrender or suffer," he said in a deepish robotic voice.


And then, I was fighting the famous General Grievous, struggling to keep up with blocking two attacks at once. My arms were tiring now, my breath was heavy, my forehead was covered in sweat.

  He hovered over me, chuckling as if this were the easiest thing he'd ever done. Though, he got angry that my limbs wouldn't give in. He knew I was losing power.

"You're suffering, young jedi. Give. Up."
I shook my head, afraid that if I spoke, I'd give into the fatigue.

I heard running though, I sighed in relief as Anakin and Obi-Wan stood behind the droid.

"Hello there, General Grievous," Obi-Wan said.

The general stopped fighting me, looking behind him as I caught my breath, my head feeling light.

"Kenobi! And Skywalker. Come to save your little apprentice?" General Grievous asked.

"Actually, yes I did. And I came to defeat you too," Anakin said, smiling and looking at me, his eyes twinkling in the sun.

  Anakin and Obi-Wan swung at the same time. He, of course blocked.

'Regain your breath, padawan. Me and Anakin have got this.' Obi-Wan said in my mind.

  I nodded and slowed my breathing, wiped my forehead of sweat and watched Anakin and Obi-Wan fight gracefully. Anakin looked like a god. His hair was a mess and some strands were slightly wet, his brows were furrowed, analyzing attacks and blocks of the droid in front of him. His buff arms worked without thought. He was a god.

  Once I felt strong enough to fight again, I walked over to the general, igniting my lightsaber.

  "Agh!!" The general groaned in frustration and did this weird spider thing where he crawled away fast. What a coward.

  He was about 20 feet away, staring at us, twirling his lightsabers like it intimidated us. We walked over there, Anakin knowing I couldn't jog.

  When the general noticed I was in fighting condition and not just a toy to scare him off. He pulled out 2 more lightsabers with his extra hands.

  We were now dodging, attacking, blocking, everything like in a usual fight, though it was basically a 3 versus 4. And guess who was getting doubled teamed by his two arms.

  You're right, me.

  I was tiring again, faster than before. I was crying while trying to keep myself from collapsing.

  Finally, I gave in, falling to the ground. I couldn't do it. General Grievous' light saber was being held high in the air, above my heart. He was about to bring it down when I let out the most blood curdling scream.

  "ANI!!!!" I screamed, my vocal cords vibrating as his name left my mouth.

  General Grievous, Anakin, Obi-Wan, even nearby droids and clones were knocked over. The force was trapped in my scream, pushing people a few feet away from me.

  General Grievous panicked and went back into spider mode, running towards the droids and escaping in the tiny fighter jet he came in.

  I panted heavily. The clones had almost defeated all of the droids. Metal was scrapped everywhere.

  Anakin and Obi-Wan rose, running over to me to see if I had been hurt.

  "Y/n! My padawan, are you alright?" Anakin said in a panic struck voice.

  I nodded my head with the last of the strength I had. Anakin picked me up in his arms and looked to Obi-Wan.

  "Command the troops, make sure they win this. I need to-"

  "Make sure she's okay. I will make sure we win this Anakin," Obi-Wan said, smiling and turning back to the fight.

  Anakin found a fighter jet and got in, preparing us to leave.


  Anakin placed me on a bed in the infirmary room. We were back on the command ship.

  Anakin looked for wounds. I just stared at him. He was so concerned about me. I managed a weak smile.

  "What?" Anakin asked, smiling back.

  "You're.. You're concerned about me."

  "I'm always concerned about you, Y/n."

  "Anakin.. thank you," I reached out for his face.

  He held my hand, placing it against his face. He looked so handsome when he smiled at me. It made me feel warm and made my heart fill with glee.

  "You're a great fighter. I'm so proud of you," he said, his voice soothing my ears.

  "Thank you. You're handsome... and warm. Now, I need to... sleep," I said weakly before resting my body completely and closing my eyes to rest.


  I would come to not remember what I had said. But Anakin did. He started to fall in love with my beautiful e/c eyes, only to tell me about his feelings in the future.

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