Eye Of A Storm - Anakin (Fluff)

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Warnings: violence, protective reader, very short, heavy fluff


"Yes my lord, I shall be there as soon as possible," I said, shutting off the comlink that I shared a call with my master on. I had an important meeting with the Sith lord, most likely another dull mission on trying to fight against the Jedi.

I never wanted to fight against the Jedi. I never wanted to be caught in a war where my husband was on the enemy side. Anakin Skywalker, the chosen one. We married during our learner years, though he was a Jedi's padawan. And I, I was a Sith's apprentice. He had saved me from a near death experience. Though his Master never agreed to the idea, he never booted me away from helping them as they had helped me. They were my friends, the best I'd ever had. I'd gotten close to Anakin, our shared glances coated with deep want, our stomachs filled with butterflies for the other. And one day, we got married, no hesitation from either of us.

Loving eachother was never hard and fighting never came to us. I respected my so-called "enemies", I just refused to agree with them. The rules of the Jedi were foolish, but I never agreed that they as people were for one second. After a while, Anakin had admitted to me that Obi-Wan had forgotten about me, no Jedi knew of my existence other than Anakin, nobody knew of my kind heart towards the Jedi. But Lord Tyranus wanted that to change. My Master wanted them to know of me, but he wanted them to know me as a bringer of Chaos.

My comlink buzzed again and I rolled my eyes before answering, expecting to see the annoying Sith lord once again. But there he was, my heart and soul on the other line. He seemed to be crouching, the noises of mechanics walking past him loudly.

"Anakin, what have you gotten yourself into this time?" I asked, crossing my arms with a smug smirk.

"I can't speak that much, but I'm sending your my coordinates. Would you mind giving us a little help over here?"

"Us?" My eyebrow cocked, smirk turning into a frown. "You're not alone?"

Anakin looked beside him with a slightly worried expression before turning back to me with bright eyes. "No, I'm not. They won't judge you, I promise."

Anakin's coordinates set into my ship's desination, replacing the numbers that were set to Lord Tyranus' current location. I smiled softly, nodding my head, "I'll be there soon my dear, hang in there."

Anakin's face went pink before I dismissed the call, obviously surprised that I'd still call him sweet names while he had someone around. I leaned back in my chair, adjusting my black robes and watching as the stars flew past me in a blue hue. My eyes closed, letting my mind drift off into a peaceful sleep as I waited for my ship to make it's way through hyperspace, quickly flying to rescue my sweet lover.


When my ship landed, I noticed I was on some backwater planet that held a large Separtist base. Of course Anakin got himself trapped in some Separtist base, it was Anakin who we were talking about! I rolled my eyes at how idiotic some of his missions could be.

I walked up to the doors, walking in like I was friendly with these droids and their commanders. I never fought, something Lord Tyranus also hated, causing me to be unfamiliar to all violence. They would seek out to kill me once they noticed I was there, and I planned them to.

The magnadroids turned to me, obviously shocked that I was willing to walk up to them like their threatening height and build meant nothing to me. Which it didn't. Before one could react, I ignited my lightsaber, the cool metal gripping to my hand. A metal head went flying off without any swing of their electrostaffs. The other guard composed himself of the confusion quickly, his staff moving towards my chest. I knew his whole moveset though, after being cooped up in a library filled of droid parts and books.

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