The Hearth Of Hope - Cal Kestis (Fluff)

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  I didn't know how long I'd been in this house, taken hostage by the stormtroopers that inhabited Zeffo. I'd came here to find shelter cause I had heard that people were awfully kind to newcomers. But I guess I was wrong, because the new population was the stormtroopers - they were once clones that interacted with me and loved me to pieces , they always enjoyed the padawans.

How would Master Tapal go about this? I asked myself. He was a wise man, always knew his way out of Separatist plans to entrap him. He would've known how to free himself from this mess, if only he was alive. I had time to think in this small, cold house that I now resided in. What if I had taken those shots for him and Cal, it would have been worth it.

Oh Cal, Cal Kestis. I was in love with that boy. The Jedi Council had assigned my Master, Jaro Tapal, two padawans, I was one and Cal Kestis was the other. And oh how I was obsessed with that boy. I wondered day after day, night after night what he would look like at this age, what he would act like. He always protected me with him life. I wondered if he loved me and longed to meet me again like I did for him. I also wondered if he was still alive wandering about in the cold galaxy.

I got shocked out of my thoughts, listening to the blaster fire that went off from outside my door. What was here? I hugged my blanket closer to me, it was one that I had snatched off the couch that the old residents had. I felt a tug at the Force. It felt weird, I knew that this planet had nothing to do with the Force, it was just a place where families were once gathered and raised, where people chose to raise their kids and make friends, find love. Now, it was vacant, The Galactic Empire's pets now running around the streets with blasters like it was a game of tag. And here I was, my skills with the Force empty as well, though the tug felt intense. It could've been the inquisitors ready to take me and torture me, they might've felt the way that the Force sparked up here along with the latest visitor.

Or maybe someone else was here.

Lucky ol' me - they hadn't spotted the lightsaber swinging from my utility belt underneath the poncho that had once hung off my shoulders like a waterfall. Now, it laid by the hearth while I had a heavier blanket strung over my shoulders.

More blaster bullets. I stood up quickly, grasping my blanket with both of my hands, freezing as the fire started to burn out. I leaned against the door, my ear pressing to it as I let it hold my weight. The groan of stormtroopers echoed in the lonely roads and paths that were once filled with people walking about. Their armor falling to the ground was the last thing I heard before the footsteps vanished - except one pair. It could be an inquisitor - yeah, they killed their troopers, but they didn't do it when they weren't standing in the way of things. And from what I knew, any trooper with a brain in its head would let an inquisitor past.

But, my heart started to beat faster in my chest as I heard them - the leather boots walking towards the home that I was almost freezing in. It felt like the more terror that consumed me, the more that the cold did the same. I could almost feel it. Like the hope that I had held in my chest proudly since my Master died - the fire burned out.

This was it, I said to myself, acknowledging the fact that this may be the last time I was at peace, though I was still in a state of panic. The last time I may ever be close to peace.

They stopped in front of the door and I pulled back, waiting for it to open forcefully and one of my enemies to be standing there with their dark helmet and glowing yellow eyes.


So I opened up the door to get it all over with, I was tired of my heart beating out of my chest. But when I opened the door, I didn't see a body hugged tightly in black armor and cloth, I saw my hope light back to life. Tears brimmed in my saddened eyes.

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