Rolling Hips And Eyes - Cal (Smut)

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Warnings; dom!Reader, sub!Cal, handjobs, praising kink, pet names, orgasm denial, riding, slight porn with no plot, cal eats pussy, creampie, shitty writing


I jumped to the platform with no struggle, rolling when I hit the rocky ground. BD perched on Cal's shoulder from the other end of the wide jump. I watched my boyfriend leap from his side to mine, no falters in his step either, like a gazelle in a large green field.

When he stood up next to me, I lifted my hand up to caress his cheek lightly. "Such a good boy," I rewarded, taking my hand back before focusing on the mission ahead of us, not watching long enough to see his cheeks turn rosy.

Cal had played this very game last week, turning my legs to jelly with praises till I was begging on my shaking knees in the middle of a life threatening mission - and I planned to get the same reaction out of the pretty pale boy.

Cal let out a quick huff of breath, rolling his eyes at me before trying to move on with our mission. But, as soon as I noticed his ungrateful attitude, I acted quickly, gripping his jaw and forcing him to look down at my angry face.

His eyes were wide, the green shining in an innocent color. He looked me in the eyes, afraid of what I'd do if he didn't. It was funny - the same eyes he gave me, the ones of a frightened animal, I gave him last week before he devoured me like one.

"Are we rolling eyes now? Huh?" I asked pulling his face closer to mine. His hands rested on my waist, breath heavy on my face while our noses touched tips. "You're the equivalent of a brat, Cal, you know that? On your knees," I commanded.

He gulped, falling to his knees so I stood taller than him. I clicked the droid's "off" button, setting him to the side before averting my gaze back to Cal. He looked like a lost puppy, a whine escaping his lips while he watched my hand drift to cup his cheeks. I gazed down at his pants, laughing deeply at the prominent bulge. "Aww, hard already puppy? Does my little dog need me to rub his cock nice and good?"

Cal nuzzled into my hand, face warm and flushed. I was cute to see him all submissive at times - though I much rather the times when he dominates me, but that could wait. "Can't speak? What a shame, I was just about help you with your little problem too," I scoffed, glaring down at him.

Something broke in him when he heard my words. His hands held my free one, his breathing more erratic. "N-No! Please ma'am- I want you to make me feel good! Please!" he cried, tugging at my arm like a child asking for a toy.

I pulled both of my arms away from him before getting a good grip on his shoulders, tugging him off of his knees and pushing him onto the wall next to us. Cal was lucky we were in a cave instead of out in the open, I'm sure he wouldn't want a Stormtrooper seeing how weak he was when in my presence.

I tried my best to look intimidating, though Cal was taller than me for sure. My right hand moved down to grab ahold of his bulge, squeezing it lightly.

"Y/n- please ma'am!" I laughed at his reaction, rubbing his throbbing cock in my palm. His face was beyond flushed, lips parted, showing his bottom row of teeth while his breathing became more noisy.

"Oh you like that, don't you? Does my boy like getting his cock taken care of? I'll take good care of you puppy, make you cum so many times," I promised, undoing his belt carefully, taking my sweet time as he stood impatiently waiting. I could feel his eyes burning into me, wanting me to return my hand back to his clothed shaft. "Take a deep breath Cal, I'll get my hands back on you in a moment," I said, stripping him of his belt at last.

I undid his jeans, pulling them down his legs, watching as more of his boxers were revealed to me. His member made an imprint, showing me his thick length, twitching under the cloth as I dragged my fingertip along the side of it. "Such a big boy," I cooed, my breath hitting Cal's ear, blowing some orange hair away. One of his hands reached down to greedily grasp mine, making sure it didn't move from his manhood.

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