There's Love To Be Made - Cal (Smut)

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Warnings; vanilla sex, Cal munches (oral), heavy fluff, soft!dom!Cal (I think), unprotected sex


I nuzzled into Cal's chest, becoming conscious again as I woke up from my blissful slumber. I lifted my head up, taking in Cal's lovely scent of leather and wood. His orange hair was sprawled out of the pillow of our bed, flowing freely while his lips were slightly parted, arms wrapped around my waist in a deathly grip. I practically laid on top of him, cheek smooshed against his bare chest and my leg was flung over his waist. I was content to be laying with him, I felt safe. But something was off.

I quietened myself to where all I heard was me and Cal's breathing, Cal's being even and peaceful. I could listen to it all day, but that wasn't why I was clearing my mind. It was quiet. Too quiet.

I tried to get out of Cal's grasp, onto to be held down tighter by the big teddy bear. I giggled quietly as the Jedi mumble as small "no", his eyebrows unconsciously knitting together.

"Cal," I whispered to him, hearing him groan out before tensing up. His eyes opened, immediately locking onto me. A smile spread across his face as he leaned down to kiss my head. "Good morning sleepyhead," I greeted, attempting to leave his warmth again, but even awake he didn't seem to want me away.

"Where are you going?" he asked, voice gravelly. I shushed him before listening again. Complete silence. Usually you would heard the bickering of Greez and Cere, or the cursing of Greez burning breakfast - resulting in me being the permanent cook of the ship after last time, or the sound of Cere tuning her hallikset.

"Do you hear that, my Love?" I asked, smiling up at him widely.

Cal thought for a moment, basking in the silence like it was a mighty sun. He rubbed at my arm, smiling equally as wide as me now. "They're gone, we're alone for once."

"How about I make pancakes for us, hm? Pancakes and strawberries, just how you like," I cooed, poking his nose whilst scrunching up mine. Cal grunted, letting go of my body with a bit of hesitation, wondering is keeping me hostage was better than allowing me to make food.

I eagerly rushed to the small kitchen we had on The Mantis. My eye got caught on a note left on the counter;

Greez and I left to meet up with some old friends, I hope you don't mind. We will be back later tonight. -Cere

"Guess what!" I said, pushing the note to the side and taking a box of pancake batter mix out of the bottom cupboard. Opening our small cooler, I took out the strawberries, Cal's arms wrapping protectively around my waist. His chest pressed into my back, face nuzzled into my neck.

"What is it Flower?" he mumbled into my shoulder, his grip loosening as I reached for the cupboard again, pulling out a bowl, measuring cups and a wooden spoon. Cal's face was taken out of my neck as one of his hands disappeared from my waist, reaching towards the note. He took it between his thumb and index finger, eyes moving from left to right. "Time alone, huh? Sounds.. fun," he said, setting the note back down and watching my hands flutter from item to item, mixing up the batter.

"Can you spray some Pam into a frying pan?" Cal huffed at my question, grip tightening are my waist. "Please Cal, after we eat I promise I'll let you hold me as much as you want. We have all day to cuddle," I promised. At that, Cal immediately got to work, fulfilling my demands with a goofy grin on his face. I giggled to myself, kissing him on his cheek before focusing on the task at hand.

I poured some of the batter into the frying pan, watching as it spread out into a circular shape, the batter bubbling a bit. I averted my gaze back to Cal, eyes trailing over his bare chest. First mistake I made, staring at his forming abs, heat pooling in my stomach. Second mistake was letting my eyes wander. I felt myself grow hotter and wetter in specific places. It didn't help that the sweatpants he wore hung loosely off his v-line, torturing me.

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