-Chapter 2-

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-Flashback from y/f/n and y/m/n the night before-

No let go of me!

We didn't do anything to you!

Yes, you work for someone who took a lot from us!

But we want to get out of the business.

Please. Believe us!




They have two daughters!

I'll go find them. Get the cars ready!

I've got one, that'll do.

There's no sign of the other one.

Okay, let's go. Everybody get in the cars.

I woke up jerkingly with sweat. I was lying in a bed. To be honest, it's not that uncomfortable. But fragments of yesterday's events hit me like a slap in the face. Slowly, I looked around the small room. I definitely wasn't home anymore. Where the hell am I? How did I get here? What happened? I tried hard to remember what had happened but I couldn't.

A quiet creaking was heard and shortly afterwards the door to the small room swung open. A men dressed in a black vest, a matching tie and a white shirt came in. He had a three-day beard and dangerously light green glowing eyes. He already looked a little older. He must be about my father's age. My father. "Where the hell are my parents?" I came out agitated. "Everything in time, Sweetheart", the man said slowly, as if he chose every word carefully. He had a voice, I'm my opinion, much too deep, which did not fit hisnoutward appearance, and it was so rough as if he smoked several packages of cigars a day.

Slowly, he came towards me. Out of fear, I retreated until my back hit the headboard of the bed. "Don't be afraid, darling." Said the man. "You're safe here." He put on a crooked smile. "Where am I really here?" I asked carefully and now a little intimidated. The man stood in front of me and looked me straight in the eye for a moment. Then he turned around abruptly to face the door. "Get changed and then please come to dinner young lady." He said as he turned his back on me and then he left the room as quickly as he entered.

I slumped down inside myself and pulled my legs to my chest. I tried to calm myself. After a brief panic attack, I decided to do what the man told me to, since he hadn't really seamed friendly or understanding. So I flipped the covers over me to the side and slowly stretched my legs over the high edge of the bed. I took a deep breath and let my gaze wander around the room again until I spotted a large black shiny wardrobe in a corner of the room.

I unceremoniously pushed myself up off the bed with my hands. As a dizzy spell overtook me, I cleaned my hands into the black sheets to keep me from slumping weakly to the floor. The knock had hit me hard and I felt the beginnings of a slight headache. After taking another deep breath, I walked with shaky steps to the wardrobe in the corner. With a soft metallic click, the heavy doors slid open to reveal a single dress. It was black and studded all over with many diamonds. The skirt was wide, cut a little more sparingly at the neck, and had elbow-length velvet sleeves. The hem of the dress was decorated with black lace. Uncertainly, I took the dress off the rail and twisted the hanger back and forth between my thumb and index finger. Then I put in on the bed and pulled my sweater over my head. Carefully I put on the expensive looking dress.

When I was done I stepped to the door and turned the doorknob. With a soft click, the door unlocked. I was just stepping out into the hallway when a man dressed in black approached me. "Follow me Miss." He said in a commanding tone. I recognized his voice, but didn't know from where. We stopped in front of a large black door. It had a golden doorknob that the man twisted it. The door swung open, revealing a large bright room. A round table stood in the middle of it. At him sat the man from this morning. I let my gaze continue to wander around the large room. More black-clad men stood leaning against the walls in the room. When the sitting man caught sight of me, he tried to put on a smile, but failed miserably. It looked rather terrifying. When he saw that I wasn't smiling happily back, his features instantly hardened again. He made a small gesture with his right hand and I felt the man from just now push me violently and roughly to the table.

He pulled out a chair for me and ordered me to sit down. For a moment I hesitated, but when I saw the look on his face and his hand resting on his gun I changed my mind. Slowly I let myself down on the chair and smoothed the dress. "Do you like it?" The man sitting across from me asked. I just looked at him disgusted and shocked. He noticed my gaze. "How rude of me. You can call me Mr. Enrico" "And why should I do that?" I sneaked back. He laughed briefly "You have no idea how to talk or treat me. Do you?" "Says the man who had me brought here quite forcefully." I snippy returned.

He chewed a bite and swallowed. Then he put his cutlery next to his plate and leaned back in his chair with his armies crossed. "Show me more respect!" He ordered me. "Why should I? I woke up here and I don't remember anything. Why the hell am I here?" I had raised my voice and pushed my chair backwards, so I was standing threateningly  in front of him. I used my hands to support myself on the table to look more serious. But that didn't seem to work at all. Mr. Enrico laughed brightly for a moment and then looked at me seriously. "Well my beautiful one, if you want it that way."

He snapped his fingers and I saw the man from earlier coming towards me and trying to grab me by my wrist, but I was faster and pulled it away. Then he came up to me and the only chance I saw was to run for the door. When the other man realized what was happening they tried to stop me. But I was faster. Because I was not very tall, but athletic, I was able to escape them and quickly open the door. I ran down the halls in a panic. Behind me I heard the voices of the men. I wanted to get out of here, but I couldn't find the front door. The voices weren't just coming from behind me anymore, I could hear footsteps moving towards me too.

Terrified and panicked, I yanked open the first door I could find. I stepped inside and carefully closed the door behind me. With a soft click, the lock clicked into place. A soft sigh escaped my lips. Slowly, I turned around and realized I wasn't alone.

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