-Chapter 23-

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I awoke to rays of sunlight shining warmly on my face through the Large Window, to the left of my bed. For a brief moment, I had forgotten that we were no longer hiding, but finally back home. When I was free of the blankets, I reached out with my left hand and groped behind me in the bed, hoping to feel soft curls. But no. Slowly, I sat up in my bed. After a few more minutes of cuddling I decided to get up and take a shower.

The warm water flowed over my body. It hit me like a punch in the face. I staggered backward a step in a daze until my naked body met the cold stone wall. I quickly came back to my senses. I took one deep breath and then left the shower to change. I decided to go for something cosy as I didn't feel like dressing up after what had happened yesterday. So I opted for my black sweatpants and a light pink sweater. I gathered my hair into a simple wild knot on top of my head. Despite everything, I decided to put some mascara on my lashes to cover up my teary eyes.

Just to be safe, I let my Glock 9mm slide into my back pocket. Quietly, I opened my door and ran down the grand staircase. I decided without further ado to go to the kitchen and have some breakfast, as my stomach was grumbling like crazy. No wonder, with excitement I hadn't eaten all day yesterday. As I was putting my cereal bowl in the dishwasher I heard a rustling behind me. Jerking my head up, I pulled my pistol out of my pocket with my right hand and pointed it in the direction the noise was coming from.

Luckily, it was only Haz. "Woah, what do you think you're doing?" he asked, startled, raising his hands defensively. Slowly, I lowered the gun and put it back in my back pocket. "Sorry..." "All good. I heard what happened..." he said softly, looking down at the ground. It's like he's afraid of me or my reaction. "So what?" I returned snappishly and looked him in the face. When I saw his worried expression, I was overcome with guilt. "Sorry Haz, I didn't mean to come at you like that. It's just a little too soon for me to talk about it." Almost relieved, he looked at me. He even pulled the corner of his right mouth up slightly and a wry, yet cautious smile played around his lips. "I don't even want to bother you anymore, I have to go." he returned softly, then turned toward the door.

I didn't have to ask where he was going, because that was part of the job. So I decided to just leave him alone and go looking for Tom. So I walked to his usual office door and knocked gently. When I heard a "come in", I pushed the door open a gap wide and forced myself through. Tom sat in his black leather armchair and seemed to be very into reading. In front of him were several files and some wildly scattered pieces of paper. With his forehead folded in folds, he read the documents. His eyes briefly wandered over the paper and when he saw me, he immediately dropped the papers and turned all his attention to me.

A smile now surrounded his lips. "Good morning, darling, how did you sleep?" he asked softly. I sat down on the chair opposite him. His smile just widened and he leaned over to kiss me good morning. Now I also smiled at him. "Good." I gave back. His smile died a little and a worried expression spread over his face "And how are you?" he asked cautiously. I twisted my eyes, "Good Thomas, why not" I replied slightly biting. He fell into his chair and pulled the files back to him. "What are you doing?" I asked carefully. "What's important", he replied, already sunk in his thoughts again.

Then I got up and was about to turn my back and walk to Him when I felt a hand on my hip. Slowly I turned around and Tom's face was only inches away from mine. Well, since he was a little taller than me not exactly, but he looked me straight in the eye. He gave me a light kiss on the forehead and pulled me into a tight hug "I'm sorry princess." he murmured into my hair. "After all, it wasn't your fault..." I countered so he wouldn't have to feel guilty. For he was not at all to blame for what had happened. Slowly we broke away from each other again. "How late do you have to work today?" I asked him cautiously. "I have some paperwork that needs to be done and later tonight I have another important meeting." When he saw the sad expression on my face he added another "Sorry princess" and gave me another kiss on the forehead.

He disengaged from me and walked back toward his chair. I quietly slipped back out his door. Just as I stepped into the hallway Haz came running towards me. He held his left arm. I could clearly see the blood running between his fingers. "Haz, what happened?" I asked anxious. "Nothing, it's all right. I just need to talk to Tom." "No, you come with me first and we'll fix your wound." "No, that doesn't have time!" he met me harshly and stormed into Tom's office.

~Tom's POV~

From the swing of the torn door a pair of leaves flew to the floor on my table. "Hey!" I came out angry. However, when I noticed who was running towards me, my moves relaxed. "Tom, she's"... Haz said slightly out of breath. "Who's what?" I asked angrished. If I could find the one who did the Haz, he would wish he had never been born. But before Haz could answer Y/n stormed in. She grabbed Haz by the arm and tried to pull him out of the room "You come with me first and we'll take care of your wound." she said defiantly.

"No, I'm not going to be commanded around by someone who tried to shoot me this morning." he gave back. For a brief second, I was confused. "You know it was an accident and I didn't touch a single hair on your head." she gave it back sweetly. I laughed into myself. When the two of them got into each other's wool, it was always quite funny. "What's so funny about that?" She asked me in astonishment. I got over it quickly. "Nothing." I returned, still with a small smile on my lips. "So Thomas, can you tell this one to come with us so we can doctor his wound first?" Y/n prompted me. "And Thomas, you tell her I'm not going with anyone who greets me in the morning with a gun held to my face instead of a smile!" he said with a smile on his lips turned to my girl.

She just rolled her eyes in annoyance and left the room. Of course, she had to top it all off by pulling my office door swinging into the lock with a loud bang. I laughed quietly to myself until I met Harrison's serious gaze. "That's not funny Tom." He said. "They don't want to leave things alone." he added. I looked up from the papers. I saw the fear in his face . "Ok, thanks for the message I will handle it." I replied curtly and turned back to the documents. I only heard Haz open the door and step into the hallway and call out for Y/n. And there it was again. The smile on my lips.

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