-Chapter 9-

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I opened my eyes. It was dark. A pair of lights illuminated the room so that I could still clearly see the outlines of the shelves. I hadn't even noticed how I had slowly fallen asleep. I grabbed the book and slowly straightened up. My neck was tense, having fallen asleep in a rather uncomfortable position. Quietly, I slipped out of the library.

I had just stepped into the hallway when Tom's office door opened and the man himself stepped out. When he caught sight of me, his expression brightened. Quietly, I closed the library door behind me and he came walking towards me. " Hey, pretty." he murmured to me and pressed a little kiss on my mouth. I had to smile. He intertwined his fingers with mine and led me to my room. "Good night, Tommy", I said and opened my room door. "Good night, princess." he whispered to me and then closed the door.

I heard him shouting something to someone and shortly afterwards I heard heavy boots running up the stairs. Of course, he had Steve patrolled outside my room again. I took off the dress and gently hung it back in the closet. I took out my sweater and put it on. After I had successfully washed my mascara off, even without getting panda eyes, I fell into the freshly made bed and fell asleep shortly afterwards.

I was awakened by a knock on the door and shortly after Haz was entering the room. "Good morning", he shouted, and tore open the curtains of my window. Slowly, I opened my sleepy eyes and looked around the room. The sun was shining brightly through the large window and Haz stood expectantly in front of my bed with hands swayed into his hip. "I'm supposed to tell you that we're having lunch in case you're hungry." he explained. I was wide awake with one blow. "What time is it?" I asked him hastily and quickly got out of my bed. The cold air hit my warm skin painfully, but I ignored the pain. I gently pushed Haz out of the way and ran towards my closet. "It's now 2:00 p.m.", he announced to me "you looked pretty tired, so we let you sleep longer today", he explained calmly to me.

"Today is a beautiful day", he added with a smile on his lips. "Why?" I asked him as I pulled out my black torn high waisted jeans and a light pink hoodie from the closet. "Well, you kissed my best friend yesterday and so the good one was already in an excellent mood this morning and that means it's a very nice day." he explained to me. Jerkingly, I turned to him and I felt my heartbeat speeding up every second. When he saw astonishment in my eyes, he explained to me that he and Tom had been friends forever and we would tell each other something like that. "Well, to be honest, I annoyed him until he finally spit it out, but that's not the point", he said with a laughter.

I forced myself to a slight smile and then quickly disappeared into the bathroom to get ready. I put on the clothes and put my hair together into a low bun. Some strands of hair fell loose in my face. When I returned to my room Haz sat on my bed and looked at me expectantly. He smiled into himself and his gaze was on the ground. "What's going on?" I asked carefully and folded my sweater to put it in my closet. "Oh, nothing." he replied and gave me a sly glance. Slowly he got up. "So, are you coming to dinner?" he asked. "Sure, I'll be right there. I just have to put on my shoes first." That was Harrison's cue.

He smiled at me one last time and then left the room. I overheard him having a quick chat with Steve, who apparently was still waiting outside my door. I put on my Nike air max 270 and put my Glock 9mm in my pocket. It started to become a real habit. I didn't really go anywhere without her. I stepped into the hallway and immediately felt Steve's look on me, so I turned to him and gave him a little smile. I ran straight towards the stairs and as expected Steve followed me all the way down. I turned left and entered the great hall shortly afterwards. Tom and Haz were already sitting at the table waiting for me.

When Tom saw me he stood up and came towards me smiling. He pressed a small kiss to my lips, which I returned somewhat perplexed. "Well how did you sleep, princess?" he asked me cautiously. "Pretty good until that one woke me up." I point my index finger at Haz, who first looked at me in amazement then burst out laughing. "Not funny," I returned. Tom intertwined his fingers with mine and led me to the set table in the middle of the room. Shortly thereafter, Steve entered the room. He gave us a quick look and then joined the other guards. A moment later, the doors slid open again and a man stepped inside. It was the same one who had brought us our breakfast yesterday. Behind him he pulled in a cart. A large and steaming form was visible on it. Gingerly, the man picked up two potholders from the cart and unceremoniously placed the mold on the table. When he opened the lid, I could tell what it was just by the smell. It reminded me of home. And I had to swallow. He spread the gratin on our plates and then poured each of us a drink. "Thank you," I thanked him. He gave me a curt nod and then turned to leave. Quietly, he left the room the way he had come. We were all pretty hungry, which is why we all pounced on our food.

"What are we going to do today?" I asked after I had swallowed a bite of the still warm gratin. "I have to do all day today." Tom announced slowly and looked me in the eyes apologetically, so I turned all my attention now to Harrison, who sat quietly and thoughtfully in his chair. "Earth to Harrison", I shouted, waving my hand in front of his face. He looked at me in fright and then at Tom. Without saying another word, he got up and ordered Tom to follow him outside. He looked at me apologetically and then followed Harrison outside.

After a couple of minutes Harrison came back in. His facial features were already much more relaxed. He let himself sit down on his chair opposite me and smiled at me. "Where's Tom?" I asked him. "He has to take care of something very important." he explained to me. I smiled understandingly at Haz and ate my food completely. "So..." I started. Haz looked at me uncertainly. "What are you going to do today?" his traits relaxed. "Not much. But I have to go to some important meetings with Tom today." he said and looked me in the eyes. He had to recognize my disappointment, because he adds, "but tonight we can do something." "Okay." I whispered to him.

I smiled at him and got up. Slowly I walked back to my room. I decided to finish reading my book today, as the story really caught me. I heard Steve's footsteps again behind me, which, however, fell abruptly silent as I entered my room. With shoes on, I flopped down on the bed. Even though I had just woken up, I was still very exhausted. I came to the decision to pull out my cell phone and call my sister. But then I remembered that it was probably still at my parent's house. I angrily threw one of the pillows to the floor.

In frustration, I just lay there for a few minutes swaying my legs back and forth. However, I then decided to continue reading the book. But it didn't occupy my mind for long, because after a couple of hours I was done reading and got up in a tormented state. Slowly, I opened my door and crept over to the Great Door of the Library. As I passed Tom's office I overheard a heated conversation. And one man yelled "But if we don't take the deal then-" "Yeah then what. You can go where the pepper grows. Over my dead body." I heard Tom now. He was irritated and clearly annoyed, I could tell from his voice. I heard louder footsteps and then his office door was yanked open and a slightly stouter man in a black suit stormed out of Tom's office. I decided not to disturb Tom, so I slipped quietly through the high door of the library.

I decided to put the book back on the shelf and pulled out a new one shortly after. I looked at it and slowly turned it back and forth between my index finger and thumb. I decided to put it back on the shelf though. Instead, I walked over to the large sofa that was in the middle of the room and decided to lie down for a bit. I covered myself with a thin teddy fur blanket that hung over the back of the sofa. Quietly and peacefully, I fell asleep.

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