-Chapter 3-

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A boy my age sat on a bed that was similar to mine. He looked right at me. A little unsettled, he got up and approached me. He had light blue eyes and slightly long dark blond hair that was wildly standing off his head. He was right staring at me with his beautiful eyes. "Who are you?" I asked uncertainly and stepped back, until I bumped my back against the sodden door. "My name is Harrison." Said the boy. I looked at him. He tried to put on a smile and in his eyes I could see that he wouldn't hurt me. There was something gentle and soothing in them.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me. "I don't really know myself. Something happened last night, but I don't remember that quite well. All I remember is waking up here and then running away from the guards. I found your room after that." I said out of breath. "And what are you doing here?" I asked him cautiously. "Hah." An almost stifled laugh came over his lips. "They got me too. I was supposed to negotiate a deal with them, well they thought it would be smart to lock me up here." "Isn't that quite clever?" I now asked in wonder. A smile spread over his soft lips. "No not particularly." He said slowly and gently shook his head.

"And why not?" I asked back. "You ask a lot of questions, don't you?" He asked now and I could feel the redness in my cheeks and slowly nodded. "Yes, do you have a problem with that?" I asked self confidently. "No, not at all." He said smiling. "Then you can tell me now why that wasn't to smart of them out there, right?"

He turned around and sat on the edge of the bed. He looked up at me and patted on the space next to him. Carefully I came upon him to sit down. "So you must know." He began to tell. "I'm in a gang. And it's not exactly unknown. And well, so among gangs you often have to set clear rules so that living together can work at all." I nodded slowly in agreement, for this was quite familiar to me. "Well, and as you can probably guess, it was obvious to us that they wouldn't just accept the deal. Our gang had therefore prepared for this verry situation. We've worked out a plan. They're gonna get me out of here. They've done that before. They should actually show up here within the next few hours."

"Oh." Slowly, I tried to process all the new information. I didn't have a lot of time for that. There was a knock on the door and a bang was heard shortly afterwards. The door lock was unlocked and two of the black-clad men stormed in. Out of fear, I got up and walked around the bed once. "We got her!" One of the men screamed. Then the other one came up to me and grabbed me roughly by the arm. "Let Go Of Me!" I shouted at them.

Before Harrison could help me two more men came running into the room and held Harrson down. Violently, the man threw me over his shoulder and carried me out the door. I tried to kick him and pounded on his back with my small hands, but it was all to no avail. They carried me out of the room and walked straight back to my room with me still over their shoulder. Once there, the man roughly let me off his shoulder and ordered me to sit down. Since I could see him fumbling for his gun out of the corner of my eye, I did as he told me.

Shortly after, both men left my room and I was alone again. I just hoped they wouldn't do anything to Harrison, because he had nothing to do with this at all. Would his gang really show up here soon? After all, he would get out of here. I exhaled audibly and flopped backwards onto the bed. After a few minutes I was already asleep.

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