-Chapter 5-

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I woke up when two strong arms lifted me up and picked me up. It was the man with the brown eyes. When he saw that I was slowly waking up he smiled at me and carried me to a big front door. She was tall and plain white. Harrison ran towards her and gently turned the doorknob. A metallic click was heard and the door gave way and opened slowly.

It gave the view of a beautiful large entrance hall. It was paved with white and black marble slabs and a black carpet stretched horizontally through the large room straight towards a large marble staircase with a gold-black metal railing. The brown-eyed man gently let me slide from his arms and I walked slowly and astonished gently along the carpet.

Slowly, I let my eyes wander through the large room. My gaze was caught by a large chandelier hanging from the ceiling right in the middle of the room. Suddenly Harrison appeared next to me. "Well, how do you like it?" He asked me carefully. "It's beautiful." I whispered. "Pretty impressive, right?" Asked the brown-eyed man and appeared to my left and I nodded slowly.

"In that case I guess we should show you to your room first." He said burrowing his brows. Astonished, I looked at him. He must have recognized the uncertainty and sadness in my gaze, because he was now looking at me with concern. "Is there something wrong?" He asked carefully. It was more like a choked whisper.

Cautiously, I turned to Harrison, who looked at me with amazement. "Where am I here anyway?" I now asked, turning to Harrison. "As I said before, in a safe place." He murmured to me. I looked at him skeptically. So many questions were spitting in my head. Where have I been here? Was I really safe here? Where are my parents? I took a cautious step back. Both men noticed my backing and looked at me and then at each other. "What happened to them? My parents?" I asked cautiously and turned my gaze to the ground, as I was uncomfortable pretending to be in my way depending on them.

I was thought to cope on my own since my parents were not always the finest people. I knew that they were involved in some bad business, but we had never talked much about it. I didn't worry about my sister, because fortunately she was in a boarding school and therefore out of reach. This was not a coincidence, it was planned that way by my parents. I was trained and initiated into the business, if only to a certain point, and my sister was protected. We kept her out of everything and sent her to the boarding school for her own safety. To my amazement, she had never had a problem with that.

"You should rest for now." The brown-eyed man said, and I was jolted out of my thoughts. Slowly I lifted my head and looked him straight in the eye. A smile spread across his face and to be honest I immediately felt much better. He came up to me and clasped my left wrist with his large hand. "If you'll follow me please." He said, bending down a bit in fun. A soft giggle escaped my mouth and he looked me in the eyes again. His smile was now at least as wide as mine.

Slowly he escorted me up the marble stairs into a long hallway. He stopped in front of the second door on the left and pushed down the door handle. Bright sunlight blinded me as I entered the room. The floor was tiled with white marble and a large grey wool rug covered the front of the floor. In the middle of the left wall was a large bed with many pillows and blankets. Just opposite the door, to the left of the bed, was a large window. The sun shone bright and cheerful in. Next to the window was a high black-gloss wardrobe. And to my right, I recognized a door that was open and bare a beautiful large marble bathroom.

Slowly I entered the room and looked around in amazement. I never grew up with a lot of money. We had the bare necessities and our own house, but that was really it. The man noted my amazement and excitement. "You might want to get some rest first." He repeated carefully and accompanied me to the large bed. He pushed back the blankets and I sat down gently on the edge of the bed. I took off my white Nikes and then crawled under the warm blankets.

Only when my head hit the pillows did I realized how tired I was and within seconds I fell asleep. I could still hear the man muttering a soft "sleep well" and then leaving the room and pulling the door behind him into the lock with a click.

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