🔞 -Chapter 18- 🔞

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A/n: if you are uncomfortable with reading smut then you should skip this chapter.

We've been here for over a week. Tom had strictly forbidden us all to leave the house because it would be too dangerous. I mean, after all, Mr. Enrico's people are still after us. I don't want to exaggerate, but this has been by far the best week in my entire life. Since Tom couldn't work, the four of us did a lot together. We took a close look at the whole house, had long game and movie nights, and Tom and I got even closer.

It was evening and Tom and I were lying in our big bed. "Have I told you how beautiful you are and how happy I am to have you in my life." he whispered in my ear as he played with my hair. "Yes, I think you've actually mentioned that about twenty times a day in the last few days." I admitted and had to laugh. He once breathed out slowly and he too could not suppress a small smile "Oh, I just love you y/n" jerkingly I sat up and looked at him in shock.

"Did I say something wrong?" he asked me sceptically. I bit my lower lip and just looked at him. "What?" he asked, with a lair. As an answer, I leaned on and sat on his lap. "I love you too, Tommy." I said, pressing my lips on his. It was an intimate and demanding kiss. I let my hands run through his hair as he closed his arms around me to draw me even closer to him. Slowly he pulled me up and then turned us around, so that he was now hovering over me and thus in control of the situation.

He supported himself with his strong arms to my sides, but never interrupted our kiss. Slowly he opened the buttons of his shirt and shortly afterwards it was already lying on the floor with our other clothes. Slowly he pulled his lips from mine and looked deep into my eyes. He leaned over the edge of the bed and pulled a small package out of the night cabinet. "Are you sure?" he asked me carefully and looked at me again, enthroned above me. Yeah, I was ready.

I nodded slowly with my head and a smile appeared on his face. Shortly afterwards he pressed his lips again on mine and I felt how he slowly shifted his weight and soon after that he also penetrated into me. I had waited so long for this and it was exactly as I would have dreamed it would be. Tom kissed me more and more heated, and a groan escaped me. I felt him smiling beneath our kiss, and shortly afterwards we were both sweaty and heavily breathing next to each other. "I love you, Tommy." I said again and fell asleep shortly afterwards in his strong and protective arms.

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