-Chapter 24-

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After Haz had apologized to me properly, I of course helped him to fix his arm. The bullet was quickly removed and the wound would heal in a few weeks. "I have something to tell you." Haz whispered to me as I rolled his sleeve back over his elbow. "What's up?" I asked him intently. "It's about your sister." my attention had grown momentarily and I looked at him demanding him to tell me more. "I was with her today." he admitted.

"Oh." I whispered, to which Haz looked at me uncertainly. "And why didn't you take me with you?" I asked him. "You know how Tom feels about you leaving the house. " he said shaking his head gently. A wry and quiet smile graced my lips. "And how is she?" I asked cautiously, a little unsure if I could take the answer. "The doctors say so far good. They were able to remove the bullet in time." he explained to me. "But she hasn't woken up yet. The doctors said the healing process could take longer and we'll have to wait and see when she wakes up." he added. "At least she's okay." I tried to squeeze out between my fake smile.

He just nodded slowly at me and I exhaled a little in relief. I patted my thighs and then stood up with determination. "I'll be going then." I announced to Haz and left the room. After I had reached my room I let myself fall on my bed and decided to turn on the television Tom had installed yesterday. Actually, you could almost say that this room wasn't really just my room anymore, because Tom actually slept with me every night.

After watching the Jimmy Kimmel show for a while and it was getting dark outside, the door opened and Tom entered. When he saw that I was still awake he smiled and came towards me. He unceremoniously went to my wardrobe, where he now also had some of his clothes stored, pulled out a pair of grey joggers and disappeared into the bathroom with them.

After a few minutes, when he fell next to me on the bed with still wet hair and naked upper body and also snuggled under the warm blankets, I turned the TV down a bit. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. "I love you" he whispered to me and kissed me. The next thing I knew I was falling asleep while he was lovingly stroking my back.

~My lover~ [T.H. x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now