-Chapter 10-

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I was awakened by a bright light and a loud rumble. I flinched, startled, and abruptly opened my eyes. Jerkily, I sat up, only to wince once more. It thundered and rained like hell. Slowly I got up from the sofa and wrapped myself in the teddy blanket. Wrapped up warm and still a little sleepy, I stepped into the hallway and shuffled to my room. I let myself fall into my warm bed and shortly after I was asleep.

I was once again awakened by an exuberant Harrison. He stormed into my room loudly. "Good morning sunshine" he called and came towards me. He sat down next to me on the edge of the bed and tried to brush the covers off my face. Reluctantly, I turned around. "Come on get up." He said, clapping his hands again. I sighed loudly and slowly pushed myself up.

I rubbed my eyes with my sleeve and trudged toward my closet. I was about to pull out one of the dresses when Harrison stopped me. "No, young lady. Today the two of us have planned something and for that you absolutely need these pants there" he explained to me and pointed at me. I was still wearing my clothes from yesterday. I just shrugged and shuffled on into the bathroom. I jumped into the shower for a moment and then put on yesterday's clothes again and, of course, put my gun in my pocket.

A little more awake and freshly showered, I left the bathroom and approached Harrison a little more cheerfully now. He was already standing excitedly at the door. I ran after him as he entered the hallway. Together we walked down the stairs and turned right. I had never been in this part of the house before. I was even more amazed when Harrison pushed open the big door to a huge room. It was a huge training hall. It looked similar to the one I used to work out in at my parent's house when I was a kid.

Slowly I entered the large and matted room. "What are we doing here?" I asked Harrison in amazement. "Train." he gave me back curtly. I looked at him in wonder. "If push comes to shove, each of us has to be able to defend ourselves, you know." he explained to me as I nodded my head slowly.

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