-Chapter 26-

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Still tired, since I couldn't fall asleep yesterday, I shuffled into the kitchen the next morning to have our cook make me pancakes. Outside there was a flurry of snow, it was early December after all I had just sat down on one of the bar stools opposite the kitchen counter and was generously pouring maple syrup over the still steaming warm pancakes when Harrison came running through the big front door with a smile, scattering snow all over the floor.

Wondering what made him so happy already in the morning I looked at him askance and popped one of the pancakes into my mouth. Haz pulled out the stool to my right and flopped down on it. A huge smile graced his face. "Eat up and then the three of us will go for a little ride." he explained to me. I looked at him a little puzzled, but the very next moment realization hit me. "OMG, did she wake up!?" I shouted. Haz was still smiling broadly at me and now nodding his head excitedly. "And before you worry, Tom knows and has given me permission for us to go to see her right away." he said and took one of my pancakes whereupon he got a played evil look from me.

Shortly after, Tom came jogging down the stairs casually, buttoning up his jacket. "Well, are you ready to go?" He asked and I jumped up without bothering with my food any further. I gave him a quick kiss, which he happily returned, pulling up the corners of my mouth. Harrison just watched us intently from his stool and pulled the pancakes over.

While me and Tom and continued to hug happily Haz ate my pancakes and watched and longingly. When he had eaten them all he stood up, patted his hands on his black jacket and walked past us. "Well, let's go." he shouted, and he yanked open the front door with a flourish. Happy and excited, I pulled Tom behind me to the garage in the driving snow. Haz swung himself into the driver's seat of the shiny black Mercedes G 65 AMG and let the engine roar after me and Tom had sat down in the back seat.

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