-Chapter 16-

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After what seemed like an eternity of driving, the car quietly came to a stop. Still tired and sleepy, I opened my eyes and rubbed them with the sleeve of my sweater. A soft yawn escaped me. "We're here." Tom explained lovingly, slowly pulling his hand out of mine. I looked at him confused as he opened his door and walked around the car to hold my door open for me. I got out and already the other black V-Classes drove onto the property . In the meantime it was quite dark, which is why I couldn't make out the big house in front of which we were now standing.

Tom took my hand and walked towards the large metal door with me in tow. With a loud click, he unlocked the lock and let me enter. A click sounded and a large light illuminated the long entrance hall. I looked around in amazement as Harrison, my sister, Steve and the other men now arrived. Tom assigned the various men each a post to stand guard at and then led me down the long hallway. We stopped in front of a big room with a big bed.

He lifted me bridal-style up and carried me toward the big bed. Gently he lowered me down and I snuggled into the warm blanket. A short time later I already felt Tom lying down next to me. I smiled at him briefly and then rested my head on his bare chest. With my index finger I slowly traced his strongly defined abdominal muscles until shortly after I also fell asleep to his steady heartbeat.

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