-Chapter 4-

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I woke up when I heard gunshots. Yeah, these are definitely gunshots. Out of fear, I pulled the blanket over me so that it covered me up to the tip of my nose, but I could still see and hear what's going on out there. There were screams. Bang! Shots were fired again. Then it was quiet. Just silence. For minutes, the whole house was quiet. Suddenly, I heard footsteps and another bang.

Someone was coming here. I heard different doors being opened, "she's not here." I heard a man calling. My door was abruptly ripped open and a familiar face appeared in the door frame. It was Harrison. He came for me! I jumped up from joy and ran towards him. He pulled me into a hug and then grabbed my wrist. "Come on." He said. Slowly and gently, he pulled me down the hallway behind him.

When we arrived at the stairs, my breath was stunted. About twenty of the black-clad men were lying motionless on the floor. Many of them had wounds from which fresh blood was still gushed. Harrison saw that I was pretty uncomfortable. "Come on, the faster we run, the faster we get out of here." I nodded to him briefly and then ran down the stairs towards a large black door.

It was open and a cold wind was already felt from afar. When we finally walked out the door, I was finally able to breathe properly again. The cold wind played with my hair and a smile spread across my face. Harrison let go of my wrist and ran to one on the black vans. "Come on." He called again and I ran after him. He opened the sliding door of a black V-class and got into the car. I followed his example and slid into the middle seat next to him.

"It's good to see you again Mate." The voice of the passenger was heard. He clearly had a slight British accent. Slowly he turned to us. His gaze flashed to Harrison and then stuck on me. I could feel his brown eyes drilling into mine. He had to be about the same age as me and Harrison. "Where did she come from?" He asked skeptically, his eyes never leaving mine. "She was there with me." Said Harrison, looking at me from the side. "And what's your name, pretty one?" Asked the man with the brown eyes. "I'm y/n." I said softly. "That's a pretty name." He said, and turned to face the front again.

The door slid open and another man entered. "Drive off!" He called and with that the car quickly started to move. We drove off the big property and suddenly I wasn't sure of it anymore. "Where are we going?" I whispered to Harrison. "To a safe place." He returned, smiling his crooked smile at me. I smiled back, trying to hide my uncertainty. Suddenly, the man to my left made his presence known by audibly clearing his throat. So I looked at him. "I believe this is yours." He said and held out my sweater. "Oh, thank you." I returned and smiled kindly at him, I pulled my sweater on and felt that familiar warmth surrounding me again.

As I was about to put my hands in the front pocket I felt something cold and metallic. I grasped the object and pulled it out. I slowly admired my Glock 9mm. Harrison jerked his head around to face me. "Put the damn gun away." He murmured to me. "Sorry, I thought they took it away from me." I whispered back.

The man in the passenger seat probably heard us, because he now slowly turned to us. When he saw me with the gun, a broad smile appeared on his face. Immediately, I put the gun back into my pocket and tried to escape his gaze by looking out the window and he faced the road again. We drove a long way. Meadows and fields passed by and I got tired. So I pulled my sweater hood over my head and leaned back in my seat. Slowly I fell asleep and I felt safe and secure for some reason.

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