-Chapter 22-

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After what seemed like an eternity of driving, our car pulled onto our property. When the car stopped with a gentle jerk, Tom took a deep breath and opened his door. The sudden return of cold air made me wince. I heard footsteps and shortly after my door opened and two strong arms lifted me out of the car. He carried me up to our big front door. As he put me down I felt the piercing need to feel his warmth again but suppressed it. I took one deep breath and then angrily pushed the door open with my foot.

Jerking, I drew my gun and stepped inside. I waved it around me. In some way, I had a bad feeling. Maybe it was from before. My home felt foreign in a way and frankly that scared me. When I had briefly observed the room, but only saw our men, I put the gun back into my vest and ran towards the big staircase without giving anyone else a second thought. I had just reached the stairs when I felt a hand in mine.

Startled, by the touch, I looked up. It was Tom, looking at me sympathetically, rubbing his thumb in small circles over my palm as we strode up the stairs. Without another word, I let go of his hand and headed straight for my room. When I had closed the door behind me I leaned against it and slumped to the floor. After a few small shed tears, I decided to take a shower to feel better afterwards. So I took a hot shower and put on sweater pants and a sweater that Tom had given me during the ride so I wouldn't get cold. I think I only did that because I was in desperate need of something familiar.

When I stepped out of the bathroom, I saw Tom sitting on my bed. He looked at me. Slowly I walked up to him and sat down next to him on my bed. We were just sitting there and looking at the floor when I suddenly broke the silence. "Will she make it?" I almost whispered. I looked him right in the face. He looked up from the floor and stared at my eyes. Slowly, he let his eyes run over my face until he looked into my eyes again. He took my hand in his and said cautiously "I don't know, darling, but I will do everything in my power." "Promise?" I asked quietly. "Promise." he said, looking me in the eye.

I needed that assurance of that promise, I needed to know that she would be better again. All of a sudden, I wrapped my arms around his Strong torso and let myself fall into his warmth. I couldn't hold back the tears any longer. First single tears and then many streams down my glowing cheeks. Tom hugged me with his strong arms and I felt safe and comfortable for the first time today. Slowly, he stroked his hand over my head and kissed my forehead.

"I'm always by your side." He whispered. "I love you y/n." A smile came around my lips and I looked up to him. Slowly I lowered my lips to his. It was a slow and unpressed kiss. It was protective and safe. Slowly my songs closed and I fell asleep in his arms exhausted.

~My lover~ [T.H. x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now