-Chapter 14-

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Slowly, I opened my eyes. It was still dark outside and Tom's arms held me tight like I was all he ever needed. I just stared at him for a few minutes and watched his soft and peaceful facial features. He must have felt my look somehow, because slowly he opened his eyes and a smile spread over his face as he saw me "You're pretty creepy, you know that?" he asked and his stomach is vibrating. I just gave him a broad smile and kissed him on the mouth.

"I'm just going to change and make me something to eat." I whispered to him. "Just five more minutes." he returned with his still rough voice to-morrow, and drew me even more firmly to himself. We were awakened when suddenly the door to the room was torn open. Harrison came running in panicing. "Tom, you have to stop making out and you have to come with me now!" he cried out of breath. Only then did Tom look at me puzzled. Harrison looked Tom firmly in the eyes and then twitched his jaw toward the door to make him realize how important it was. "Okay." Tom said and gave me one last kiss on the hair. "Immediately." he added.

Haz was about to storm out of the room again. Tom slowly got up and ran to the door. He had just held the door knob in his hand, so he turned to me again for a moment. " Sorry princess", he said, trying to put on a smile, then he left the room and I was alone in my bed again. Shortly after the guys left my room, I decided to jump in the shower.

A few minutes later, I was already dressed in my room. I wore my Nike Air Jordan, my black torn high-waisted jeans and a warm sweater. Of course, I also put my Glock 9mm into my sweater bag. I opened my room door and decided to go eat something in the kitchen first. I felt my bodyguards join me, only to escort me down the stairs to the kitchen.

I had never entered the kitchen before. Cautiously I stopped in front of the glass door and knocked timidly. A somewhat rotund man in his mid-forties had tied on a white apron and now opened the door for me. "Well, how may I help you?" he asked with a smile on his lips. His voice was quite deep and he had a strong Italian accent. "I'd just like some toast with honey, if you don't mind." I asked him gently. "Coming right up." he replied with a smile and a joking salute. He disappeared around the corner and shortly after came towards me with a slice of toast with honey, a glass of milk and a pancake in his hand, grinning contentedly. He was about to put my breakfast in my hand when someone grabbed me roughly by the arm and pulled me back. Startled, I turned to the one who had snuck up on me and held my gun in front of his face.

I exhaled in relief when I saw who it was. "Tom you scared me" I admitted and put my gun away again. But he wasn't really listening to me. He grabbed me by the arm again and pulled me briskly behind him up the stairs to his study. I could clearly hear Steve's footsteps running behind us. Tom jerkily kicked the door with his foot, which immediately swung open to reveal a disintegrated Harrison. When I saw him, I was rooted to the spot. Tom finally let go of my arm and now looked me straight in the eye. "What's going on?" I asked, confused. "We gotta go." Harrison gave back to me. Tom was still looking me firmly in the eye, but his expression was slowly softening.

My gaze slid back and forth between the two of them I was just about to say something when the door was yanked open again and Steve came stumbling in. "Sir, the car is ready!" he called out to us breathlessly. Tom smoothed out his shirt, gave his suit jacket a quick tug down, and cleared his throat. "Well then, all aboard." He shouted and stormed past Steve down the stairs towards the large front door. Perplexed, I turned to Harrison. "What's wrong?" I asked him again. He avoided my gaze and unceremoniously pulled me out of the room by the wrist. We ran down the stairs straight for the big front door. I heard a lot of heavy shoes behind me.

Three packed suitcases stood at the foot of the stairs. I could barely follow Harrison's big strides. My breathing was intermittent. It wasn't until we left the house and the cold morning air flowed through my lung that I could really catch my breath again. Haz pulled me over to one of the cars that had pulled out. Tom was already behind the wheel and I dropped into the next seat. Tom was already drumming his fingers impatiently on the steering wheel. When he recognized me he started the car with a click and the engine howled loudly. He gave me a small smile and then steered the car off the lot. We drove for what felt like an eternity. Silence had fallen in the car. I had pulled my feet up on the seat and was leaning my head against the window pane.

I could clearly see two black V-Classes in the rearview mirror. Tom saw my worried look "These are our men" he explained monotonously. I looked at him. He, on the other hand, had turned his gaze back to the road ahead of us. "Tommy?" I asked him carefully. His gaze glanced at me for a moment, but then straight back to the street. "What, darling?" he asked gently. "What's going on?" He looked at me quite insecure. His eyes wandered up and down my face, unsure if he should tell me. He breathed out audibly and I could see his grip around the steering wheel hardening. His finger ankles came out white. "You're going to introduce me to your family." he said, and I could clearly see how he tightened his jaw muscles. I looked at him in amazement.

"What?" I whispered in disbelief. he did not answer me. "Thomas, what do you mean by that? I thought they were-" "Dead", he threw in and looked at me intently. "Yes." I admitted to low-noise. "Well the dead can hardly rise again, can't they?" he asked, and his voice was just stained with sarcasm. I didn't understand the world anymore. "Where are we going then?" "To bring someone to safety who means a lot to you." I leaned back in the seat and let the words go through my mind. Who or what the hell did he mean by that. But when the car drove a short time later to the grounds of the boarding school I knew exactly who he meant. I jerkingly tore my head around him.

"You're not serious about that now." I asked him in disbelief. But he just looked at me firmly and firmly. "Yes, that's what I'm serious about", and with those words he opened his door and left the car. I opened my door, too. "What the hell. Don't you know why we brought her here?" I screamed at him and leaned my arms on the roof of the car. Tom had the car locked with a small pling. "Oh, yes, I do know that very well." he tried to calm me down but no chance. He turned on the heel and was about to enter the boarding school. I ran ahead and built myself up in front of him threateningly. "We said we'd keep her out of all of this." I hissed between gapped teeth. "She's no longer safe here." he said calmly and gently pushed me aside. "I'm doing this for you and for her." he muttered.

Then he grabbed my hand and intertwined his long cold fingers with mine. Behind us, twelve Man got out of the black vans and came towards us heavily armed. "What-" I was just about to start. "Safety comes first." Harrison explained to me as he walked past me with a gun in his hand. We all entered the building. It was quiet and just the rapid steps of the guards echoed through the large entrance hall. "Which way?" asked Tom. I was breathing out audibly. "That way." I called and dragged Tom after me. The guards and Harrison followed us. I led them to the door that led to my sister's room. Nothing had changed.

I haven't been here in a long time. My parents had tried as best they could to separate us permanently, which they had also succeeded. We were still standing in front of her door, still. Tom gently glanced at me from the side and squeezed my hand lightly. I took a deep breath and then pressed the door handle. The view of a small room was released.

On one of the two beds sat a small, thin girl in a dark blue school uniform. Her hazel hair fell gently over her shoulders in natural curls. Hearing the door, she slowly looked up with her turquoise eyes. She caught sight of me and immediately put aside her book, in which she had been reading until just now. She slowly stood up and walked towards me. She stopped about three feet away from me. She looked at me penetratingly.

A tear rolled slowly down her rosy cheek. "Is it really you?" she asked me cautiously. I just nodded. I took a step towards her and gave her a big hug. Her arms wrapped around my back almost greedily and she pulled me against her. Tom carefully let go of my hand. I, too, could no longer hold back the tears. So there we were. We held each other like there was no tomorrow and both cried into each other's shoulders.

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