-Chapter 17-

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The bright light of the sun shone through a large window, illuminating the room in cheerful colors. Tom was lying next to me with his muscular arms still wrapped around my waist. I ran my hand through his hair briefly and gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead before carefully extricating myself from his strong grip. My stomach was growling and I desperately needed something to eat. Without further ado, I walked down the long hallway. I met Steve in the foyer and he showed me where the kitchen was. Except for a few cereal boxes and some milk, the entire fridge and cupboards were empty.

So without further ado, I grabbed the box of cereal and poured some into a bowl with some milk. I sat down at the large white marbled table that was next to the kitchen counter and started eating my cereal.

"Y/n!" I heard Tom call and shortly afterwards he came running into the kitchen, still shirtless. Out of breath, he looked at me and came up to me. "You can't scare me like that." he explained, wrapping his arms around me from behind and giving me a small kiss on the temple before sitting down next to me. He called for one of the men, who unceremoniously made him some cereal and placed it on the table in front of him, causing me to roll my eyes. "What?" He asked, laughing. "I didn't take them so they could vacation here." He admitted, shoving a large spoonful of cereal into his mouth.

Shortly after, Harrison and my sister joined us. Harrison sat down at the other headboard opposite me, my sister would have sat down next to me opposite Tom. She gave me a look and twitched her eyes towards Tom, then nodded slightly and smiled at me. I just rolled my eyes, but couldn't help smiling. "So-" I was about to start.

"don't stress" my sister interrupted me. "Harrison already explained everything to me. " she finished her sentence and then turned her full attention back to her cereal. I exchanged a look with raised eyebrows with Tom, who also looked quite surprised. " What?" She asked when she noticed our stares. " Oh nothing. " I assured her and smiled at her. I noticed Tom next to me on the verge of a laughing fit, but he was able to suppress it very professionally just barely.

~My lover~ [T.H. x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now