-Chapter 21-

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I felt numb. I was frightened and dropped the gun to the ground. Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion. Slowly, I fell to my knees and made a scream. Everything was on fire. I felt like I had just been shot in the heart. My voice echoed throughout the room. I sat still on my knees and screamed my soul out of my body. I heard a creak and the door to the room was ripped open. Tom stormed in through the door.

His gaze turned to the two people on the ground, both of whom were bleeding heavily. He immediately ordered three of his men to pick up my sister carefully and take her to the nearest hospital. Then he ran towards me. He knelt down before me and took my face into his big, strong hands. He gently pulled me into a firm embrace. But I wasn't able to hug him. My arms hung powerlessly down to my sides as I kept screaming. My voice got hotter and hotter and I burst into tears. My stomach was on fire and I felt like I was going to vomit at any moment.

Slowly, I free myself from his grip and try to get up. Tom held me by both hands and tried to pull me back against him. I shook off his hands. I had stopped crying and I was now slowly wiping away my tears. I tensed my jaw again and bent towards it to pick up my gun again. Slowly, I turned back to the now dead man I was suffering so much over. I raised my gun and walked with confident steps towards the corpse that was still lying on the ground.

I took my foot and turned the head of the killer to the other side, then I raised my gun again and shot him in the chest. Then I felt two strong arms wrapping around my waist, trying to pull me away from his body. Unable to move, I let myself be pulled backwards with him. As the arms loosened their grip I slumped to the floor again. Ten more bodyguards in black bulletproof vests rushed into the room. After all, they were our men. One of them came up to Tom and whispered something in his ear.

In response, he nodded briefly and then bent down to me again. With his right hand he turned my head in his direction and looked me firmly in the eyes. He wiped away a tear with his thumb and tried to put a small smile on his lips, but failed miserably. Slowly, I tightened my jaw again. "They'll pay for it!" I pressed out between compressed lips. Tom looked at me sympathetically and stood up. He bent down to me and pulled me up by my arms. When I finally stood shakily but securely on my feet he wrapped his arms around me and carried me out of the room without saying a single word.

The cold air outside the building hit me painfully in the face and made my hair fly wildly. Tom said something to one of our men and then he opened the passenger door to our Audi R8. Slowly I slipped into the passenger seat. Tom buckled me up and then closed the door of the car. I heard his shoes running around our car and shortly afterwards the driver's door was opened. Tom sat down on the seat and let the engine howl with one click. His hand rested on my thigh. However, I paid no attention to it. I was still in a trance and felt anger in me boiling.

After a while, he broke the silence in the car. "Y/n I know..." Slowly, I turned my head towards him and looked him straight in the eyes with my jaw still tight. When he noticed my look, he immediately fell silent again. I turned my head back to the window and leaned back. I felt Tom briefly squeeze my thigh.

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