-Chapter 12-

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I woke up sweating. Tom was almost completely on my torso. His Strong Arms covered me. Carefully I played with his curls, which fell onto his stirn. Slowly he opened his eyes and looked right at me. "Good morning, princess." he said in his still rough morning voice. A smile surrounded his lips. He gave me a long but gentle kiss and then sat up.

I watched the play of his back muscles as he pulled his shirt over his head again. He turned his head back to me and had to laugh when he noticed me staring at him. He gave me a quick kiss on the forehead, "I have to go." he whispered to me and left my room shortly afterwards. I sat up slowly and walked into the bathroom slightly overslept. I sprayed a handful of cold water in my face and then looked in the mirror.

My reflection smiled at me contentedly as I heard my room door open. Harrison came rushing in. " Y/n" he called out. "What's wrong?" I asked quietly, stepping out of the bathroom. Harrison came running up to me. "I'm glad you're here." he exhaled audibly in relief. "Where the hell is Steve?" asked Harrison, glancing down the hall. "Steve!" he called out. Immediately I heard the loud footsteps of my personal bodyguard. He rushed in. "Where the hell have you been?" Haz asked, upset. Steve was about to open his mouth when Haz interrupted him again. "I don't really care. Don't let her out of your sight. I'll be back with her in a few minutes. Protect them by any means possible." Haz gave Steve a warning look and then stormed out of my room, leaving me confused.

Slowly, I looked up at Steve. He just nodded briefly at me and then dropped down on the edge of my bed. Still flabbergasted, I stood in the middle of the room. "What's going on?" I asked Steve upset but he just shrugged his shoulders cluelessly. I was about to storm out into the hallway when Steve grabbed me by the wrist. "You stay here. Order of Haz." he forced out between clenched teeth. With a confused look on my face, I shook off his hand that gripped my wrist. With a loud sigh, I dropped onto my bed.

It seemed like hours that passed. After what felt like an eternity, Harrison came back storming in. He grabbed me roughly by the wrist and pulled me out of the bed into the hallway. With one hand, he kept my mouth shut, so I couldn't give a mux of myself. Slowly he looked around the corner and then ran down the stairs with me in tow. He quietly dragged me into the training room. When he closed the door behind us, he finally let his hand drop from my mouth and let go of my wrist.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked him. But I made sure that my tone was not too loud, so that no one could hear us. Harrison brushed back the hair that had fallen into his face and took a deep breath. "It's too complicated." he pressed through between gapped teeth. "We've been doing business with the wrong people. And now we have the problem." "Yeah, and what's so bad about that? And what does that have to do with me?" I asked out of breath "It's about you", shouted Harrison now.

"What?" I whispered quietly and unbelievingly. "Yeah, damn it. They know about you and your parent's businesses and they also know you're here." "Who, who are you talking about?" I asked confusedly. "Mr. Enrico is here with his men." I ran out of breath. "How?" I whispered almost speechless. "I don't have a fucking plan myself, y/n. All I know are the orders Tom gives me to keep you safe here." "What could happen to us?" I asked out of curiosity. He looked at me stunned. "What? Are you stupid?" He hit me. I looked at him in disbelief. "They're gonna take you back, or they're gonna shoot somebody. That's how gangs work. If you don't get what you've been promised or taken away, then you usually get at it". Before I could answer anything, the door was torn open.

As a reflex, I stood in front of Harrison and pulled out my gun protecting him. As quietly as possible, I unsaved the weapon. But when I realized who was coming at me, I dropped the gun immediately. It was Tom. He came running towards me with a frantic and wild look and closed me tightly in his arms. I couldn't hold my tears. One by one, they ran down my cheeks. I was confused and scared at the same time. Tom slowly came away from me and kissed me on the mouth. This time it was a hectic and demanding kiss. "What's going on up there? I don't want to go back there." I whispered when Tom had released his mouth from mine. "Everything will be fine, princess", he explained to me.

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