-Chapter 15-

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"I'm really sorry to interrupt, but we should get out of here." Haz had entered the room. Slowly, I came out of my sister's tight embrace. For a moment, we just looked each other in the eye. "You've grown up." I whispered. A small smile spread across her pretty face. God, I missed her. "Princess?" Tom started to say, "We should really get going." "You already want to go again, but-" she started. "Let's go". "What?" she shook her head confused. "I can't just leave." she said, looking at me confused.

Just at that moment, Steve stormed into the room in full saddle. "They're on their way, everybody move.", he cried, I embraced my sister's hand and pulled her jerkingly out of the room behind me. "Will you finally explain to me what this is going to be?" she asked me perplexed if I would have hurled down the stairs with her in tow." "I'm not sure myself. Tom will explain it to us later. But we have to get out of here." I was completely out of breath, but my sister nodded at me understandingly. I was hoping she would understand the seriousness of the situation. Although I myself, to be honest, didn't really know what we were doing here.

Haz came and took my sister with him into one of the black vans while Tom and I jumped into the seats of his Audi R8. As soon as I sat down, he started the engine and drove straight out onto the main road. "To be honest, I'd like to know." I said, facing Tom. "What is it?" he returned only with a short tie. "Don't pretend, you know what I mean." I seriously returned and stared. He took a deep breath once." Well, we're going to drive for a long time, so I can explain."

~Tom's POV 2 weeks ago~

BANG! Shit! I never wanted it to come to this. But it was self-defense, right? I'm afraid Mr. Enrico wouldn't see it that way. Spattered with blood, I got into my Audi R8 and drove home. I arrived at my estate late at night, where Harrison was already waiting for me. "Well, how did it go?" he asked skeptically. But when he saw the blood stains on my shirt, he turned pale. "Thomas, what the hell have you done!" he almost yelled at me. "He didn't want to cooperate." I came out between gapped teeth. "and then you shoot him right off?? Are you completely stupid?? You know what that means, don't you, Thomas?" I drove my long fingers through the ruffled hair. My gaze was wild and I felt like I was going to vomit at any moment. But I was a strong leader, so I would never admit it. "Yes. Fuck, yeah. Harrison, I know what that means." I had taken Mr. Enrico someone who has been very important to him. Just for business, of course. And if he found out, he'd shoot one of my men.

That same evening, I paid a visit to one of my best people. I drove to the Y/l/n's house. I've been in business with them for a while. They had made a mistake and had to work for me since then. I whipped my foot up and down impatiently until finally the wooden front door opened with a soft creak. " T-Tom, wh-what are y-you doing here?" Y/f/n stuttered and his gaze wandered up and down my still bloody clothes. "Don't worry, I have no intention of harming you, would you please let me into your study, we have something very important to discuss." I returned. "N-Naturally. This way." he led me through the living room of the little house straight into his study. I took a deep breath. "So," I continued

"I'm here to tell you that they didn't take the deal." at these words Y/f/n's eyes suddenly widened in fear and he took a step back, somewhat dazed. "I'm here to tell them that, and since you're one of my best men I wanted to give you a heads up." He just nodded his head slightly. He realized the seriousness of the situation and that I would never joke about it. I only knew y/f/n professionally, he was one of my father's best men even then. Then when my father passed away suddenly and I took over his big business y/f/n was automatically one of my men. And I look out for my men, because I always keep my word.

~Present Tom's POV~

y/n looked at me in shock. Her beautiful deep blue eyes had widened in fear and anger. "Y-you." she stammered. "You're the reason my parents are dead!" she finished her sentence and looked at me as if she wanted to turn my collar around herself. I raised my hands defensively. "You don't know the whole story. Yes I may be partially to blame, but they've been doing business with my father since before I was born, which means they've been in the business longer and more experienced." I tried to save the day. It didn't do much good, though.

She gave me one last look and then turned to the window. Great, now I was also plagued by feelings of guilt, well that's what happens when you let someone get too close to you. But I couldn't blame her, I just hoped she would reconsider. But now I have a lot of time alone with my thoughts. No idea if that's good or bad.

I haven't known y/n that long, but she's the first girl I've ever fallen in love with. We haven't said it to each other yet, but I'm still waiting for the right moment. I have always had problems expressing my feelings properly since I was a child, I personally blame it on my father. He was a man of few feelings and words. He was always hard and strict with me and always wanted me to be a man and act like one. I know how cheesy that is, but ever since that girl with her beautiful blue eyes and sweet smile had walked into my life, I knew it was her.

I tried to win her over over the weeks, which I fortunately succeeded in doing. I really wanted to keep her out of the business though, not that I would think she couldn't handle the stress or anything. She was a strong woman and I knew that very well, yet I didn't want her to know about all my business. Because as we know, not everything runs smoothly and legally among mafias. I guess I just always wanted her to be safe, which is why I had ordered Steve to be her personal bodyguard. Slowly and carefully, I placed my hand on her thigh and gave it a little squeeze.

~y/n's POV~

I was pissed and angry. But I also knew it wasn't Tom's fault alone. I knew my parents were involved in some shady business. Still, it was a bit of a shock to know that Tom had something to do with the whole thing. So I turned to the window to signal that I didn't want to talk to him and needed some time to think. But my thoughts were just flying around in my head in disarray. I couldn't think a single clear thought.

After a few minutes of almost unbearable silence, I felt Tom carefully put his hand on my thigh and press lightly. I turned my attention to him and gave him a quick glance. He looked at me with a forced little smile and I did my best to return it. Because despite all that crap, I was still in love with Tom. Wait wait wait. Did I just admit to myself that I loved him? The man who had something to do with my parents' death and kept me home protected?

Yes I think so, because even his confession can't change my feelings. Carefully, I raised my right hand and pulled his hand, still resting on my thigh, into mine and intertwined our fingers. He gave me a kind look from the side and then kissed the back of my hand. We continued to be silent for the rest of the drive, our hands intertwined on the center console, and I noticed the soft looks Tom gave me. As it started to get dark I pulled my legs up onto the seat and fell asleep leaning against the window.

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