-Chapter 19-

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I don't know what was going on with me, but I just had to smile the whole time. I got up early and decided to let Tom sleep in order to spend some time with my sister, after all, we hadn't seen each other for years. We talked about felt hours until Tom and Harrison came up to us, lauding, and dropped themselves on the couch next to us.

"Well, what were you two been gossiping about?" Harrison asked us with raised eyebrows. "Hmm, let me think, what would you have to tell your sister if you haven't seen her for several years?" gave my sister back and looked at Harrison in confusion. "Okay Okay Okay." he returned, laughed, and raised his hands defendingly. Whereupon my sister stretched out her tongue. "We just wanted to let you know that we have a meeting later to clear up a few things with our allies." Tom admitted and looked me in the eye apologizing. For fun, I pulled a pout and Tom kissed me. "Excuse me, princess." he whispered to me.

Harrison and my sister looked at us with envy and soon after both men left us. After a short thought, my sister and I decided to watch a movie. We were about halfway through the movie when my sister told me she was going to go to the bathroom for a minute. When she still hadn't come back after ten minutes, I became suspicious and decided to go check on her.

I stopped in front of the door leading to the bathroom and knocked gently, but when there was no answer I simply opened the door and entered, but the bathroom was empty. I quickly pulled out my Glock 9mm and held it in front of my face while I searched all the rooms. Without hesitation, I ruthely pushed open all sorts of doors with my foot and searched the rooms.

But nothing. She was like she disappeared from the face of the earth. Slowly, a feeling of panic came over me. I ran all over the house and searched everything. Exhausted and almost hopeless, I knocked open the next door and my breath caught instantaneously. I saw Mr. Enrico, who had closed his strong arm around my sister's throat. I was frightened and put away my gun.

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