-Chapter 7-

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We walked past the guards down the big staircase and then turned sharply left. We stopped again in front of a big white door. The brown-eyed man opened it and pulled me in. The room reminded me strongly of Mr. Enrico's room. But the atmosphere here was much more relaxed and not distraught or tense. Here, too, several heavily armed men were standing on the walls of the room. In the middle was a quarter table with three chairs.

The brown-eyed man walked straight to the chair at the head of the table. I stopped uncertainty near the door. When he sat down and noticed that I was still standing at the door, not following his lead, he smiled cautiously at me. "Have a seat" he offered, making an inviting motion with his hand. I sat down in the chair to his right.

Before I could open my mouth to ask if we were expecting anyone else the door flew open. "Morning guys" Harrison chipped and came up to us with a broad grin. He fell on the chair opposite me and looked around smiling. The brown-eyed man laughed into himself. I also smiled at Harrison's excited mood. "It's good to see you laugh." Harrison said to me, still smiling, getting a critical look from the brown-eyed man. "You're not in a bad mood either, Harrison." I gave back. "You better call me Haz. That sounds cooler." He assured me with a grin.

"Okay, enough with this flirting around Harrison." The brown-eyed man now declared himself to word. "Chill Thomas." gave Haz laughing back and twisting his eyes in enjoyment. "Your name is Thomas?" I asked him carefully. "Everyone calls me Mr. Holland but for you Tom." He said with a soft smile and j smiled back at him. Before Haz could make another comment, a man came in and placed two plates of food in the centre of the table. Carefully I loaded my plate with toast and scrambled eggs and Tom and Haz did the same.

A few minutes there was just silence while we were eating the delicious food. A cell phone rang and Tom made a face. Slowly, he pulled his phone out of his right pocket and read the message. His features softened instantly. "Perfect." He muttered. He put his phone back and now gave me his full attention. "Who was that?" I asked cautiously, unsure I'd I was allowed to know or even if I should know. "That was Natasha my seamstress. She'll come by later and is going to make sure, that you'll get more decent clothes to wear." He added with a smile and took another bite of his toast.

"Oh." I exclaimed in amazement. Jerking up, Tom lifted his head and looked me in the eye. "Somethings not right?" He asked solicitously. "No, it's not." I said, "But why are you doing this?" I added quietly. "What should we do that's so special?" Tom asked with a confused look on his face. "Well, first you save me from this house. Then you let me sleep here and then I even get breakfast. Not to mention, of course, the fact that you just let a dressmaker come in to get me new clothes." I said and looked at them both questioningly.

"Well, you're with us now, aren't you?" Haz got in. I looked at him puzzled. "Unless you don't want to." I said nothing. Tom cleared his throat briefly and then whispered something in Haz's ear that I couldn't understand. Irritated, I looked at the two. Now Haz looked at me with real pity. "What's going on?" I asked annoyed. Haz glanced at Tom, who slowly shook his head. "So all you need to know is that you're one of us now. You can live here and hang out with us. Of course we have to work, but you can do a lot here around the house." Said Haz and looked at me. "And what if I don't want to live here?" I asked, poking in my scramble eggs with my silver fork. "Well, actually, you don't freaky have a choice." Tom started quietly, raising his gaze. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked snappishly.

"Well, you're not safe out there anymore. And because we can't just let you run off to your doom, you're staying here where we can protect you 24/7." Tom explained to me. He looked at me now with a mixture of sternness and concern. "Okay." I said dryly. They both looked at me in confusion. "Okay, I'll stay here. But only because I don't want to get shot too."

"Sure..." Haz came out laughing. A smile spread on Tom's lips as well. "What's so funny about that?" I asked and looked at the two puzzled and with arms crossed in front of my chest, examining them. "Oh nothing. We are just happy that you prefer to choose the lesser evil." Now a small smile spread over my lips and I shook my head in fun.

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