-Chapter 6-

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It was the first time in a long time that I wasn't woken up by gunshots or anything like that. Slowly, I rolled back the blankets and sat up in my bed. I let my gaze wander through the now dark room. I could see the sun very easily. The first rays tickled me and a smile spread across my lips. I put my bare legs over the edge of the bed and stretched out. A quiet yawn escaped me and I braced myself off the bed with both hands and came to a somewhat shaky halt.

My headache was gone, but I felt constricted. No wonder, after all, I was still wearing the expensive dress from yesterday, it's hard diamonds digging painfully into my hot skin, and I was still wearing my warm sweater over it. Slowly I let my hand slide into my pocket and pulled out my Glock 9mm. I carefully laid her down on the bed and then slowly walked over to the closet hoping to find something to wear there. Unfortunately, the closet was completely empty except for a few hangers.

I couldn't blame them. I mean who would expect that one day a girl would just show up here and happen to sleep here and need clothes. I really wanted to get rid of the dress though, so without further ado I decided to pull the sweater over my head. After I had also stripped off the dress I put on the sweater again, after all I didn't want to wear the dress, but I didn't want to run around half-naked here in the house.

Fortunately, the sweater was a bit oversized and it went up to the middle of my tights. I ran to my shoes and put them on. As I was about to turn to the door and enter the hallway, I turned back jerkingly, ran straight to my bed and took my gun. You never knew and I'd rather play it safe.

Slowly I crawled out into the hallway. I sled along and knocked on all sorts of doors hoping to hear Harrison's voice. I had to find him to ask him if I might get something else to wear. I had reached the end of the hall. No sign of Harrison. I was now standing in front of a large white mabel door, which was decorated with gold elements and decided to knock. A moment later, a voice rang out, "Come in" and I carefully let the door slide open. A man sat at a black desk in a black armchair, engrossed in documents scattered wildly on the table in front of him. When he recognized me he looked at me and a smile spread across his face. "Slept well?" The brown-eyed man asked.

I finally had a chance to take a closer look at him. His slightly longer hazel brown hair was combed straight up with hair gel, but a single lock hung loosely on his forehead. Slowly he let his gaze roam over my body and suddenly I felt quite uncomfortable. After all, I was standing in the doorway dressed in just a simple sweater. I just looked at him with wide eyes, whereupon he exhaled briefly and pushed his chair back with a creak. Slowly, he smoothed out his shirt and then approached me.

"How can I help you, pretty girl?" He asked, a smile curling his lips. "I was going to ask when we are going to leave?" I asked cautiously. "What?" He asked in disbelief. There was something sad in his voice. "Well, when are you going to take me home again?" I asked again, lowering my gaze to the floor. "Umm I don't think you quite get it yet." He said, laughing softly to himself. I looked at him with wide eyes. For some reason I was very close to the tears and as a single tear ran down my cheek his smile died.

Slowly he kept coming towards me and put his right hand to my check. With his thumb he gently wiped away the tear. When he saw that I was really serious, he took a deep breathe. "Well ,it's not that easy. We can't bring you back." I looked at him in fright. "Why?" I asked. "It would be to dangerous for you alone." He admitted smalley. "I'm not alone at home." I met him with a little lair, but still a little uncertain. Something in his voice made me think of the baddest. He looked at me sadly. "I'm sorry." He said, looking me in the eyes. "What for?" I asked back in disbelief.

And then the realization hit me in one fell swoop. I staggered two steps back and held myself up on the big door. He looked down at me in fright and held me so that I couldn't fall over. It couldn't be, could it? My parents weren't. No, that was impossible. I couldn't read a thing from his eyes. We just looked deep into each other's eyes for a few seconds. Nobody said a single word.

I broke the silence by sinking to the ground and bursting into tears. I slid out from under his hands and landed on the cold hard floor. Tears streamed down my burning cheeks. But I didn't want him to see me like that. So fragile and weak. So I pulled my sleeves over my hands and used it to wipe the tears from my burning hot cheeks. He carefully knelt down in front of me and took my hands in his. "Let's find you something else to wear first, before you walk around half naked all day passing the guards." He said gently, but also with a certain strength in his voice. Slowly, I nodded and let him pull me back on to my feet.

He intertwined his left hand with my right and gave it one firm squeeze. Then, with me in tow, he walked along the hallway, past the guards who had gathered outside the door. He stopped in front of a dark wooden door, which opened with a soft creak. Gently, he pulled me into the small room. He researched for a moment until his eyes fell on a black box. He let go of my hand and walked towards the box. He pulled it out of the shelf and opened the lid briefly to make sure it contained everything he needed. He got back up and thrust the box into my hands.

Slightly irritated, I looked at him and then ran back to my room. I decided to jump into the shower for a minute before changing. The hot water ran down my back, relaxing my muscles. Relaxing, I washed my hair and then dried myself. I wrapped a towel around myself and let my long hair fall wetly down my back. With quick steps I ran towards the box, which I had placed on my bed before. Carefully, I opened the lid. I pulled out a pair of black sweatpants and a matching sweater. The sweater was not as big as mine but warm and soft. So I couldn't complain.

Slowly, I pulled on the sweater and slipped on the pants. I tried my hair into a wet and messy knot on top of my head. There was a knock at the door and a moment later the brown-eyed man was standing in my room. When he saw me about to put my Glock 9mm in my pants pocket and he looked at me with a smile playing around his light pink lips. "You won't need that one here." He said slowly and his gaze wandered up and down me. "Just in case. You never know." I returned with an uncertain smile.

He shook his head with a laugh on his face, but he said nothing more about it. "Are you hungry?" He asked, interrupting the silence. Only now did I notice my stomach grumbling. After all, I hadn't eaten for over a day. Slowly I nodded and then followed him out into the hallway.

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