-Chapter 13-

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For several weeks now, I've been under round-the-clock surveillance. But not just from Steve anymore. No, there were at least five guards around me at all times. Usually Steve ran ahead of me. To my left and right two more men each ran and more men also ran behind me. Tom did everything he could to keep me protected and safe. He, on the other hand, worked day and night in his office. I wondered if he'd gotten any sleep at all in the last few days. He didn't really looked like it.

So me and Tom hadn't really spent much time together in the last weeks but Harisson was actually with me most of the time. We watched movies, read books and played games together. As a result, we grew more and more together. Even though we often contradicted each other, we always found a solution. Tom in particular always found our arguments very encouraging. I even enjoyed the karaoke nights of me and Haz. 'Stuck in the middle with you' was on a continuous loop for the fifteenth time now, but we didn't mind. We also spent a lot of time in the training room. I learned new strokes and I even got to learn to shoot with new weapons. Although my Glock 9mm was still my absolute favorite gun, which by the way I always carried with me.

Me and Harrison were just lying on the sofa in the library playing cards when Tom came in. I was so engrossed in the game that I didn't even notice him at first. It wasn't until he lay down next to me and wrapped his arm around my waist that I recognized him. I flinched for a moment, and he was already giving me a kiss. Haz screwed up his face in disgust. "You can't just interrupt us here and distract my opponent, Tom." Haz grumbled playfully. I turned to Haz again. I let my gaze wander into my cards and had to suppress laughter. Slowly I pulled out my ace and put it on the pile triumphantly. "Hah I won." I shouted and stretched Haz's tongue out.

He frustratedly dropped the cards. "man man man." he said more to himself than to us. "Well, what do we do now?" I asked and turned a queen's card between my fingers back and forth. "I actually have something to do, if that's okay." Haz explained to me and looked at me smiling. I threw the okay-if-it-must-look at him and he bumped up from the couch and opened the heavy door. When we heard them fall into the lock, Tom pulled me to him and kissed me passionately again. The kiss got more heated pretty quick.

"Tom", I stopped him and pushed him away from me "What princess?" he asked carefully and looked me in the eyes "I can't do this right now." I honestly admitted. "It's okay I understand you." he said softly and pressed me tightly. "It's already late, how about we go to bed?" he asked cautiously. I nodded to him in agreement. He got up. I was too tired to get up, so Tom quickly pushed his strong arms under my body and lifted me up.

He carried me to my room, where my five guards were already waiting for me. One of the guards opened the door for us, and Tom walked in with me and closed the door behind us. Then he lovingly threw me on the bed and started to playfully tickle me. I turned back and forth under his fingers and began to giggle loudly. Suddenly, Tom froze in his motion.

I saw his gaze fall on my bare skin, which was exposed as my sweater had slightly pushed upwards. I felt Tom's cold fingers push my sweater up further to get a better look at my stomach. A large scar adorned the area to the left above my pelvis. When he gently touched her with his cold hand, I jerked back, startled. Jerkily, I sat up and pulled my sweater lower again, blocking Tom's view of my scar.

Concerned, he looked deep into my eyes. "Where did the scar come from?" He asked and I could clearly see him tightening his jaw. When I didn't answer him, he asked me again. "I asked you a question." now his voice sounded urgent and impatient. I looked deep into his eyes and then exhaled audibly. "It was an accident." I meekly admitted. "What kind of accident?" I could clearly hear the tension in his voice. I squirmed a little under his gaze. "Does it matter at all?" I gave back. He raised his eyebrows slowly and then exhaled audibly slowly. " If you don't want to talk about it-" "I don't. I'm tired" I interrupted him and pulled the blanket up to the tip of my nose.

Without another word, Tom slowly got up and walked once around my Big Bed. Carefully he pushed the blanket aside and then lay down next to me. After a few minutes of silence, I carefully turned my head to Tom. He wasn't asleep yet, of course. He looked straight at me and I forced a small smile. Quietly, I turned my body to face him and rested my head on his chest. It vibrated briefly as a small laugh escaped him. Shortly after, I felt him wrap his strong arms around me pulling me on top of him. I snuggled up to him and fell asleep to the sound of his heart snaking evenly.

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