15 Back to life

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As I walked out of that door, I left my soul near that cradle with my hand outstretched towards that woman I had made suffer so much.

I could tell her in all the languages of the world that I was sorry, that I had changed, that I loved her and that I would never leave her, but she couldn't accept it right now.

I had to move from words to actions, I had to rebuild my life. I went back to the boat and first of all I took the phone that I had rarely used in the last year, I put the battery back in and called the only person who could help me, after a few rings an uncertain voice answered - Hello?

- Abi, brother, it's me Can -

Emre couldn't believe his ears, I heard a whisper - Inshallah-

-Abi? Where are you? How are you? Are you okay? Do you need anything?

Emre was afraid something had happened to me he was afraid I would hang up, I couldn't blame him I had disappeared into thin air, it couldn't have been easy for him either.

- Abi, I'm in Istanbul, I need to see you, can we meet?

- Allah Allah, of course tell me where and when -

We agreed to meet a few hours later. When I finished talking to Emre, I dialed the number of the person I had missed the most in this year after my Sanem-

- Baba? (Dad) It's Can-

I heard old Aziz hold his breath and then, with his voice broken by tears, he asked
- Can? Are you okay, son? -

There followed a long chat from which I learned that he was about to return to Istanbul, that he had finished his treatment and that, fortunately, everything had worked out in the best of all worlds.
I looked up to the sky and thanked Allah for protecting him, I would never forgive myself if something happened to him without even being able to say goodbye.

He didn't ask for anything, my father was like that.
He had always had the utmost trust in me and respect for my decisions, he wouldn't ask, I would have to do the talking if I wanted to.
He told me he would be in town the following Friday and we agreed to meet.
I ended the call with a sigh, it already felt like I was beginning to put order into the chaos of my existence.

I got off the boat looking for Yusuf, he didn't ask any questions either, he looked at me carefully nodding, I must have seemed like a man who had a clear purpose in mind, he knew what it was, and he was working to achieve it.
He seemed satisfied.
I asked to borrow his car for an errand in the city, I left shortly afterwards towards the beginning of my future and my new life.

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