33 - Remorse

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That morning I was in the office with my father to discuss an advertising campaign for a well-known clothing brand. It was great to be back at work, to breathe that atmosphere of effervescent creativity again and to have all the guys from the agency around me, especially Cey Cey and Deren.

I looked around and sighed, just missing the best part of my life, missing the cheerful presence of Sanem, his wonderful çay , tea, who knew so much about our love.

While I was lost in my thoughts I saw my mother appear at the glass door of the office, a surge of anger made me stand up, I wanted nothing to do with that woman. Not only had she made my childhood sad and lonely by taking Emre away and destroying our family, but she had played a crucial role in my breakup with Sanem.

In my year-long pilgrimage, I had had a chance to think and rethink every detail of our story and had realized how many machinations there had been on Huma's part to divide us. She had invited Polen to our house and at every opportunity to try to get us back together, she had deeply despised the Aydin family and their neighborhood life, but most of all she had humiliated Sanem in every way and it was she who had challenged her to be independent and go to the publishing house to separate us.

In hindsight I had been able to put the pieces of the puzzle together and realized that Huma and Yigit were definitely in on trying to split us up, I would never forgive them for that.

As Huma entered the office I got up and walked out the door without giving her a glance, she didn't even deserve my anger.
She just needed to stay away from me, it would be better for everyone.


I returned through the communication door to Emre's office just as Huma arrived to see Can get up from his desk and leave without a word.
I saw Huma looking at her son who was leaving with a dismayed air.

- What did you expect Huma? Do you know the saying "you reap what you sow?" you sowed rancor and contempt, this is what you got in return.

She was shocked to see me coming - Aziz? When did you come back? -

- It is not your business, I have been back since the time it took to learn about all the intrigues you hatched behind your son's back until you completely destroyed him. You did everything to separate him from the woman of his life and we almost lost him because of you -

- Did he tell you everything? - he asked me in a heartfelt tone - I regretted my actions every single day this year that our son was away, I feared that I would never see him again and that I had made him miserable for life... as I am - he said, lowering his head.

I was speechless, it was the first time Huma had ever taken such a submissive attitude, it was absolutely not in her character.

- Look Aziz I am not proud of what I have done in this life, I have divided my family, I have raised our children separately, I have hindered in every way their relationship with the women they loved, I have contributed to the breakup between Can and Sanem and to their departure. I know that I have hurt both of them and the Aydin family so much. I can barely have a relationship with Emre because of the pain I inflicted on Layla by causing Sanem to move to another city.

By the way, do you know that she is back in Istanbul? Yesterday I met her in a children's store.

I looked at her angrily
- No, I didn't know.
Look Huma I'm warning you,uzak dur, stay away from Can and Sanem, you've done enough damage already.
Stay out of our lives, no one here needs you -

I saw her turn pale, her eyes filled with tears, it was the first time Mrs. Huma allowed herself to express her emotions openly.
Maybe I had been too harsh but only Allah knew what those kids had been through, thinking that Can couldn't have been there during Sanem's pregnancy and Nihat's birth because of Huma made me square my shoulders and keep my cool in my intention to push her away.

- Go Huma, go and don't come back here again. If you want to see Emre call him and see each other outside, but don't come to Fikri Harika anymore.

I saw her collect her head between her shoulders defeated, turn around and walk out the office door and, I hoped, out of our lives forever.

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